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Water Management in India [Hardcover]
Water Management in India [Hardcover]

Water Management in India [Hardcover]

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Water Management in India [Hardcover]

Water Management in India [Hardcover]


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The book deals with some of the most debated, yet unresolved questions regarding water management options for India and several other developing economies. It argues that there are serious knowledge gaps about “what solutions work and under what conditions”. It challenges the “received wisdom” about the potential of some of the water management solutions in popular parlance. It also questions the “skeptical pessimism” about the feasibility of some of the more classical approaches. The water management options being investigated are: roof water harvesting for domestic water security; local water harvesting and groundwater recharge; virtual water trade; micro irrigation for water demand management in agriculture; pricing of electricity for regulating groundwater pumping; and creating large water storages for ensuring sustainable water use. In the process, the book attempts to explode certain myths about what can solve India's water scarcity problems. This book will be useful for policy makers, academics, practitioners, researchers and students in the area of water management. About The Author:- M. Dinesh Kumar is a Ph.D. in Water Management, and has more than 18 years of professional experience in research, action research and consulting in the field of water resources. He is currently heading a national level non-profit research institute named Institute for Resource Analysis and Policy in Hyderabad. During 2001-2008, he worked with the International Water Management Institute, and headed the IWMI-Tata Water Policy Research programme during the last year of his tenure. He has nearly 100 publications to his credit, including book chapters, journal articles, research monographs and conference papers. He has published extensively in many international peer reviewed journals on water on some of the most crucial topics such as energy-groundwater nexus, global virtual water trade, rain water harvesting and artificial recharge, economic valuation of water in agriculture, and socio-economic impacts of large dams. His first book published in 2007 was on groundwater management. He was the lead author of the White Paper on Water in Gujarat, prepared by the Institute of Rural Management Anand in collaboration with UNICEF, India for the government of Gujarat in 2001. He is also the member of the Board of the Society for Integrated Land and Water Management, an organization working on groundwater management in India. Contents:- Contents, Preface 9, 1. Introduction 13, Water Crisis in India—Debates on Water, Management Alternatives—Current Gaps in the, Debates on Water Management—Purpose and, Scope of the Book., 2. Can Roof Water Harvesting Ensure, Domestic Water Security ? 31, Abstract—Growing Drinking Water Crisis in, India—Roof Water Harvesting—The Scope and, Impact of Roof-water Harvesting—Hydrological, Opportunities for Roof Water Harvesting in, Urban Areas—Hydrological Opportunities for, Roof Water Harvesting in Rural Areas—Physical, Feasibility for Roof Top Water Harvesting in, Urban and Rural Areas—Cost and Economics of, Roof Water Harvesting Systems—Practical and, Policy Implications—Concluding Remarks., 3. Rainwater Harvesting and Groundwater, Recharge in Water Scarce Regions of India :, Potential and Pitfalls 67, Abstract—Introduction—Objectives and, Approach—Critical Issues in Rainwater, Harvesting and Groundwater Recharging—Lack, of Emphasis on Local Water Demand and, Potential Supplies—Limitations Imposed by, Hydrological Regimes—Limitations Imposed by, Socioeconomic System—Costs and Economics of, Water Harvesting and Recharge Schemes—Lack, of Integrated Approach—Trade off between Local, Vs Basin Impacts in Closed Basins—Trade off, 6 Water Management in India, between Economics and Hydrological, Opportunity—Maximizing Local Benefits Vs, Optimum Benefits for Basin Communities—, Major Findings—Conclusions., 4. Using Power Tariff as a Tool to Manage, Groundwater in Over-exploited Area 117, Introduction—Objectives and Hypothesis—, Approach and Methodology—Study Area—, Sampling Procedure and Data Collection—, Methodology—Estimating Water Productivity of, Farming System—Impacts of Different Modes of, Energy Pricing on Equity in Access to, Groundwater—Results and Discussion—, Distribution of Land Holdings—Cost of, Groundwater Irrigation—Cropping Pattern in, Eastern UP—Cropping Pattern in North, Gujarat—Cropping pattern in South Bihar—, Results and Discussion—Irrigation Water, Application and Crop Water Productivity—, Eastern UP: Electric Pumps—Eastern UP: Diesel, well Commands—North Gujarat: Flat and Unit, Energy Pricing Regimes—Livestock Water, Productivity—Feed and Fodder Use—Average, Milk Production—Water Use for Milk, Production—Net Water Productivity in Economic, Terms—Farm Level Water Productivity—Equity, in Access to Groundwater—Groundwater, Pumping by Farmers—Important Findings—, Conclusions—Directions for Policy., 5. When do Micro Irrigation Technologies, become the Best Bet Technolgoies ? 167, Abstract—Introduction—Available Water-saving, and Yield Improving Irrigation Technologies in, Indian Agriculture and their Potentials—, Contribution of Micro-irrigation Technologies in, Indian Agriculture—Present Spread of Microirrigation, Technologies in Indian Agriculture—, CONTENTS:- 7, Potential Contribution of Micro-irrigation, Technologies in India—Physical impact of microirrigation, technologies on water demand for crop, production—Physical constraints and, opportunities for adoption of MI Systems—Socioeconomic, and institutional constraints for MI, adoption—Real Water Saving and Water, Productivity Impacts of MI Systems in the, Field—Potential aggregate impact of MI systems, on water use for crop production—Economic, Impacts of MI Systems—Potential Future, Benefits from Micro-irrigation Technologies—, Crops Conducive to Micro-irrigation Technologies, —Water-scarce River Basins that can benefit, from Micro-irrigation Technologies—Area that, can be brought under MI Technologies in Major, Indian States—Basins and Cropped Area, Conducive to Adoption of Micro-irrigation, Technologies—Quantification of Potential Future, Impact of MI Systems on Water Requirements, —Major Findings—Institutional and Policy, Alternatives for Spreading Micro-Irrigation, Technologies—Conclusions., 6. Can Virtual Water Trade be a Penacea, for Global and Regional Water Scarcity, Problems? 241, Abstract—“Virtual Water Trade” Changing the, Global Debate on Water Scarcity—The Study, Objectives and Methodology—Data Sets,, Analyses and Discussion—Does Renewable, Water Availability influence Virtual Water, Trade?—Does Arable Land Control Virtual Water, Trade Dynamic?—Relation between Access to, Arable Land and Water Richness—Rethinking, on Global Food and Water Security Challenges—, Virtual Water Trade Vs Regional Water, Transfers—Major Findings of the Study—, Conclusions and Policy Implications., 7. Why we Should Invest in Water, Infrastructure and Institutions 277, Abstract—Introduction—Objectives and, Hypothesis—Analysis and Data Sources—Water, and Economic Growth—Can Economic Growth, Drive Water Security?—Storage Development, and Economic Growth—Impact of Storage, Development on Hunger—Summary of, Findings—Conclusions., 8. Summary and Conclusions 309, Bibliography 319, Index 339 The Title 'Water Management in India written/authored/edited by M. Dinesh Kumar', published in the year 2009. The ISBN 9788121210331 is assigned to the Hardcover version of this title. This book has total of pp. 352 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Gyan Publishing House. This Book is in English. The subject of this book is Management. Size of the book is 14.34 x 22.59 cms Vol:-
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