Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Pondicherry) Volume Vol. 36th [Hardcover]
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Item Weight | 567 gms |
ISBN | 978-8178353920 |
Author | Ed. S. C.Bhatt & Gopal K Bhargava |
Language | English |
Publisher | Gyan Books |
Pages | 244 pp |
Book Type | Hardbound |
Dimensions | 2*X14*X23* |
![Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Pondicherry) Volume Vol. 36th [Hardcover]](
Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Pondicherry) Volume Vol. 36th [Hardcover]
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An encyclopaedic voluminous work gives authentic and objectives information about all the 28 states and 7Union Territories, History, Physical aspects, Population, Politics, Education, Transport and Communication, Languages and Literature, Medical Facilities, Industry, Finance Sector, Natural Wealth, Agriculture, Wild Life, Tourism, Archeological sites, Natural Calamities, Customs, Fairs and Festivals, Arts and Crafts, Rural and Urban Development, Newspapers, Important Events, NGO, Planning outlays0 in thirty-six volumes, each volume complete about a state. A benchmark. About The Author:- The Editors S.C. Bhatt, had been a writer and journalist with long years of experience as head of important departments in the government. He headed the News Services Division of All India Radio, Publications Division, Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP) and Research and Reference Division. In the last mentioned department it was his responsibility to produce papers and writeups on matters of importance to the government and the public. Under his supervision the "INDIA—A Reference Annual" was produced, both from the Research as well as Reference division. Gopal Bhargava, a prolific writer and author of several books, was a senior official in Town and Country Planning Organization, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. First educated at Mayo College Ajmer, and a Post -graduate in Economics from Lucknow University, he is a regular contributor to leading newspapers and academic journals. So far, he has published a good number of papers and articles on various issues, concerning urban development, which is his forte. The map given on the back cover jacket is only illustrative and not true to scale. Contents:- Contents: List of Tables 11: Preface 13: Introduction 15: 1. History 17-20: History of the British Period.: 2. Physical Aspects 21-22: Location; Area; Climate; Physiography; Soils and Hills; Rivers.: 3. Population 23-33: Data Relevant to Population; Characteristics of People; Social: Structure of the Society Major occupations; Agriculture;: Fisheries; Animal husbandry.: 4. Scheduled Caste 35-39: Need for Emancipation of Dalits.: 5. Scheduled Tribe 41-43: World of Tribal Communities; Tribal Development and Social: Scientists; Pondicherry.: 6. Other Backward Classes 45-52: Reservation Policy and Backward Castes; The Depressed Classes: Vis-a-vis Backward Castes.: 7. Government and Politics 53-59: State Figures on Police and Crimes; Rise and Fall of a Communist: Movement; Commissioners and Lieutenant governors;: Parliamentary and Assembly Constituencies of the State.: 8. Education 61-66: State Education Figures; Literacy; Welfare Schemes for Teachers: 6 Pondicherry: and Students; Recognition of privately managed schools; Grantin-: Aid; Free Coaching Classes; CENTAC; Engineering Colleges;: Medical Colleges; University; Renowned Educational: Institutions; List of Universities in the State.: 9. Transport and Communication 67-76: Figures Related to Transportation and Communication; Roads;: Railways; Airways; Ports; Telecommunication; IT Policy of: Pondicherry; Objectives of IT Policy; Government; Education;: Industries; Public; Pondicherry (UT) Information Infrastructure;: Organizational Structure; Financial estimate for the: implementation of IT Policy; Short term plan; Long term plan;: Telecommunication; Roads; Railheads; Airport; Seaport.: 10. Language and Literature 77-83: 11. Medical Facilities 85-87: Figures on Medical Facilities in the State; Health Policy and: Strategy.: 12. Industry 89-124: Figures Related to Industries in the State; Industrial Data;: Pondicherry's Industrial Past; Number, Types and Location of: Industries; Exports of industrial products; Industrial Performance: of Factory Sector; Changing Industrial Profile; NON AGRIND –: Non Agriculture Related Industries; Growth Rates of Output and: Employment; Small-Scale Industries; Public Sector Units (PSUs);: Power; Electricity;. Growth and Performance Investments;: Technical Efficiencies; Costs and Tariffs; Future Demand;: Agricultural Consumption; Domestic; Power Requirement;: Industrial Policy 1997; Objectives; Strategy; To Promote: Sustainable Industrialisation in the Union Territory of: Pondicherry; Thrust areas; Agro Processing Including Marine: Products; Electronics and Software Development; Leather: Products and Footwears; Light Engineering Including Auto: Components; Textiles Including Garments; Simplification of: Procedure and Sppeedy Clearances by Government Authorities;: Peaceful Work Environment; Law and Order; Infrastructure;: Industrial Estates; Power; Water Resources; Telecommunication;: Transport; Roads; Rail Heads; Air; Development of Port; Financial: Infrastructure; List of ISI Industries.: 13. Finance Sector 125-146: Figures Related to Financial Sector; Gross State Domestic Product: (GSDP); Sectoral Composition of GSDP; Rural Employment; Rural: Labour Productivity and Wages; Projections for Rural: CONTENTS:- 7: Employment; Manufacturing Out Put; Construction Sector;: Banking Sector; Scheduled Commercial Banks(SCB); Deposits: Mobilisation Trends and Credit Disbursal; Sector-Wise: Distribution of Loans and Advances by SCBS; Housing Finance;: Computerisation of Banks; State Co-operative Banks; Urban Cooperative: Bank; Policy Initiatives of Rural Credit Disbursal; Micro-: Finance-Informal Credit Delivery System; Non-Banking Financial: Companies; Supervision of NBFCs.: 14. Natural Wealth 147-156: Figures Related to Forest; Forest Resources; Water Resources;: Surface Water; Ground Water; Total Annual Water Availability: Water Requirement; Water Management Problems in Pondicherry;: Ground Water Depletion; Seawater Intrusion; Industrial Pollution;: Sewage Pollution; Water Pricing; Vision for 2020; Regulation of: Groundwater; Water Pricing; Water Quality Monitoring;: Conservation Measures; Tank Rehabilitation; Drinking Water;: Underground Drainage System.: 15. Agriculture 157-183: Figures Related to State Agriculture; Growth and Employment;: Land Use; Operational Holdings; State of Agriculture; Cropping: and Irrigation Intensity; Sources of Irrigation; Canals; Tanks and: Ponds; Groundwater; Surface Water; Fertilizers; Cropping Pattern;: Productivity; Animal Husbandry and Poultry Farming; Fisheries;: A New focus for the future; Increasing Productivity through: Inputs; Diversifying the Cropping Pattern; Organic Farming;: Infrastructure and Extension; Providing Information to Farmers;: Ensuring availability of Inputs; Post-Harvest Technology and: Marketing; Access to Credit; Irrigation; Irrigation Management;: Allocating and Regulating Water use; Farmer-Organisation based: Irrigation Management; Federation of Farmers Tank Associations;: Irrigation through Small Ponds; Conjunctive use of Groundwater: and Tank water; Irrigation from Drainage channels; Community: Tubewells for Small and Marginal Farmers; Regulating Industrial: Pollution; Promoting Allied activities; Animal Husbandry; Poultry: Farming; Agro-Industrial Development; Supporting Agricultural: Growth.: 16 Wild Life 185-192: The Mammals; Birds; Reptiles; Amphibians; Fishes.: 17. Tourism 193-198: Tourist Destinations; Serenity; Plage Paradiso; Beaches; Karaikal: Beach; Mahe Beach; Yanam River Cruise; Holy Places; Churches;: Villiannur; Thirunallur Temple; The Varadaraja Temple;: 8 Pondicherry: Vedapureswarar Temple; Karaikal Ammaiyur Temple; Masthan: Saheb Darga; Manakkula Vinayakar Temple; Museums; The: Pondicherry Museum; Bharati and Bharatidasan Memorial: Museums; Jawahar Toy Museum; Parks and Gardens; Other: Tourist Attractions; The Statue of Dupleix; Place Du: Gourvernement; 19th Century Light House; French War Memorial;: The Statue of John of Arc; Aurbindo Ashram; Ariyankuppam: (Arikamedu); The French Cemetery at Karaikal Park Monument: (Aayi Mandapam); Ananda Ranga Pillai Mansion; Hotels.: 18. Archealogical Sites 199: 19. Natural Calamities 201: Chronology of Natural Calamities Since 1980; Drought;: Thunderstorm; Floods and Heavy Rains.: 20. Customs, Fairs and Festivals 203-206: Fairs and Festivals.: 21. Arts and Crafts 207-208: 22. Rural Development 209-216: Community Development Programmes; Community Development: Programme; Mahila/Yuvak Mandals; Poverty Alleviation: Programmes; Distrtict Rural Development Agency; Integrated: Rural Development Programme; Development of Women &: Children in Rural Areas; Training of Rural Youth for Self: Employment; Supply of Improved Toolkits to Rural Artisans;: Jawahar Rozgar Yojana/ Employment Assurance Scheme; Indira: Awaas Yojana; Million Wells Scheme; Central Rural Sanitation: Programme; Non-Conventional Energy Programme; Non: Conventional Sources of Energy.: 23. Urban Development 217-224: Infrastructure Facilities; Power; Water Resources; Major: Industries; Large, Medium and Small-Scale Industries in: Pondicherry, 2000; Industrial Performance of Factory Sector; Rapid: Growth of the Industrial Sector; Computer Hardware, Software: and IT Enabled Industries; Biotechnology Industry; Investment: and Industrial Policies; Information Technology Policy; Objectives: of IT Poliicy; IT Policy for Government; Short Term; Long Term;: Policy for Education; Short Term; Long Term; Policy for Industries.: 24. Newspapers 225-229: Small Dailies; Small Periodicals.: 25. Important Events (1951-2004) 231-232: Chronology of Events.: CONTENTS:- 9: 26. Non-Governmental Organisations 233-236: Major NGOs in the State.: 27. Planning Outlay 237-244: Annual Plan Outlay; i. Agriculture and Allied Activities; ii. Rural: Development; iii. Special Areas Programmes; iv. Irrigation and: Flood Control; v. Energy; vi. Industry and Minerals; vii. Transport;: viii. Communications; ix. Science,Technology and Environment;: x. General Economic Services; xi. Social Services; xii. General: Services; Tenth Plan Outlay; i. Agriculture and Allied Activities;: ii. Rural Development; iii. Special Area Programmes; iv. Irrigation: and Flood Control; v. Energy; vi. Industry and Minerals; vii.: Transport; viii. Communications; ix. Science,Technology and: Environment; x. General Economic Services; xi. Social Services: Education; xii. General Services.: 10 Pondicherry: CONTENTS:- 11: 3.1. Population Characteristics 2001 24: 3.2. Decadal Growth 1991 - 2001 25: 3.3. Population: (0 - 6 years) 2001 25: 3.4.. Percentage of Population: (0-6) to total population (0 - 6 years) 2001 25: 3.5. Region wise break up of population (2001 census) 25: 3.6. Distribution of Religion by Sex with Percentage of Total Population: (State/district) (2001) 27: 3.7. Distribution of Disabled Persons by Type of Disabilty and Residence: (in %) (2001) 31: 3.8. Distribution of Beggars (2001) 32: 3.9. Population, India, States and Union Territory 1901-2001 33: 3.10. Decadal Variation in Population, 1901-2001 33: 4.2. SC Population Ratio w.r.t. Population (2001) 37: 5.2. ST Population Ratio w.r.t. Population (2001) 43: 6.1. State-wise OBC List 47: 6.2. State-wise Central List of Backward Classes Notified by Government: of India 48: 7.1. High Commissioners of Pondicherry 56: 7.2. Lieutenant governors of Pondicherry 56: 7.3. Chief Ministers of Pondicherry 57: 7.4. Name of State, Districts, Tehsils and Towns (2001) 58: 7.5. List of Administrative Districts (1971) 58: 7.6. List of Administrative Districts (1981) 58: 7.7. List of Administrative Districts (1991) 59: 7.8. List of Administrative Districts (2001) 59: 8.1. Education system in Pondicherry 62: 8.2. Number of Literates 2001 62: 8.3. Percentage of Literates to Total population 2001 63: 8.4. Institutions 63: 10.1. Distribution of Language 77: 10.2. Distribution of Mother Toungue 80: 11.1. Health care facilities 86: 11.2. Services available in Hospitals 86: 12.1. Annual Growth Rates of the Industrial Sector, 1993-94 to 1998-99 94: 12.2. Contribution of Industrial Sector to Total GSDP, 1993-94 to 1998-99: (1993-94 Constant Prices) (Rs.Lakh) 94: 12.3. Industrial Units in Pondicherry, 2000 95: 12.4. Large, Medium and Small-Scale Industries in Pondicherry, 2000 95: 12.5. Major Items of Export from Pondicherry, 1997-98 (Rs. Crore) 96: 12.6. Relative Contribution of Major ASI Industries to Output, 1980-81: and 1996-97 (1980-81 Constant Prices) 98: 12.7. Relative Contribution of Major ASI Industries to Employment, 1980: 81 and 1996-97 98: 12.8. Relative Shares of Agriculture Related Industries and Non-Agriculture: List of Tables: 12 Pondicherry: Related Industries in Employment and Value of Output (Per Cent of: Total) 99: 12.9. HHI with Respect of Employment and Output 100: 12.10. Annual Growth Rates of Employment and Output (Value) for Major: Industries between 1980-81 and 1996-97 101: 12.11. Source of Raw Material and Destination of Finished Products 103: 12.12. State wise and employment wise Minimum wages (Wages fixed in 4: Employments) 118: 12.13. Total Population, Total Workers, Main Workers, Marginal Workers: and Non-Workers–India, States and Union Territories : 2001 122: 12.14. Total Workers (Main + Marginal) and their Categories–India, States: and Union Territories : 2001 124: 13.1. Sector Composition of GSDP (in Per Cent), 1993-94 to 1998-99 129: 13.2. Estimates of GSDP and Per Capita GSDP at Constant Prices (Rs.Lakh) 129: 13.3. Growth Rates of State Domestic Product by Broad Industry Division: from 1993-94 to 1998-1999 131: 13.4. Growth Rate of GSDP by sector: 1980-81 to 1992-93 and 1993-94 to: 1998-99 131: 13.6. State Wise Distribution of Scheduled Commercial Banks’ offices 135: 13.7. No. of branches of Scheduled Commercial Banks in Union Territory: of Pondicherry 136: 13.8. Trend and Pattern of Deposits and Credits of Scheduled Commercial: Banks 137: 14.1. Tanks in the Pondicherry Region 150: 14.2. Ponds in Pondicherry Region 151: 15.1. Employment in Agriculture, 1993-94 to 1999-2000 160: 15.2. Land Use in the Union Territory of Pondicherry, 1980-81 and 1997-: 1998 160: 15.3. Operational Holdings in Pondicherry, 1999-2000 161: 15.4. Cultivated and Irrigated Area in Pondicherry, 1980-81 to 1999-2000 163: 15.5. Quantity of Different Fertilizers Used in Pondicherry (in tonnes) 165: 15.6. Cropping Pattern (in ha.) in Pondicherry Union Territory, 1980-81: and 1999-2000 166: 15.7. Yield (kg) Per Hectare of Major Crops in Pondicherry Union Territory,: 1970-71, 1980-81 and 1999-2000 167: 15.8. Livestock Population in Pondicherry, 1972-1997 168: 24.1. Number of Newspapers in 2001 (Language and Periodicity-wise) 226: 24.2. Circulation of Newspapers in 2001 (Language and Periodicity-wise) 227: 24.3. List of Big, Medium and Small Newspapers - 2001 228: 24.4 Publication Added in 2001 228: 27.1. Annual Plan of Pondicherry 2002-2003 237 The Title 'Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Pondicherry) written/authored/edited by Ed. S. C.Bhatt & Gopal K Bhargava', published in the year 2006. The ISBN 9788178353920 is assigned to the Hardcover version of this title. This book has total of pp. 244 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Kalpaz Publications. This Book is in English. The subject of this book is Anthropology / Tribal Studies. Size of the book is 14.34 x 22.59 cms Vol:- Vol. 36th
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