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Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Lakshdweep) Volume Vol. 35th [Hardcover]
Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Lakshdweep) Volume Vol. 35th [Hardcover]

Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Lakshdweep) Volume Vol. 35th [Hardcover]

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Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Lakshdweep) Volume Vol. 35th [Hardcover]

Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Lakshdweep) Volume Vol. 35th [Hardcover]


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About The Author:- The Editors S.C. Bhatt, had been a writer and journalist with long years of experience as head of important departments in the government. He headed the News Services Division of All India Radio, Publications Division, Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP) and Research and Reference Division. In the last mentioned department it was his responsibility to produce papers and writeups on matters of importance to the government and the public. Under his supervision the "INDIA—A Reference Annual" was produced, both from the Research as well as Reference division. Gopal Bhargava, a prolific writer and author of several books, was a senior official in Town and Country Planning Organization, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. First educated at Mayo College Ajmer, and a Post -graduate in Economics from Lucknow University, he is a regular contributor to leading newspapers and academic journals. So far, he has published a good number of papers and articles on various issues, concerning urban development, which is his forte. The map given on the back cover jacket is only illustrative and not true to scale. Contents:- Contents: List of Tables 9: Preface 13: Introduction 15: 1. History 17-29: Colonisation of the Lakshadweep; Advent of Islam; Islanders: under Tipu Sultan; East India Company on the Islands;: Independence and After.: 2. Physical Aspects 31-40: Location; Area; Physiography; Climate; Cyclones; Storms; Soils;: Islands; Kavaratti; Andrott; Amini; Agatti; Bangaram; Bitra;: Chetlat; Kadmat; Kiltan; Kalpeni; Minicoy; Suheli; Pitti or Pakshi: Pitti.: 3. Population 41-53: Data Relevant to Population; Demographic Information as per: census 2001; Characteristics of People; Social Structure of the: Society.: 4. Scheduled Caste 55-56: Need for Emancipation of Dalits.: 5. Scheduled Tribe 57-59: World of Tribal Communities; Tribal Development and Social: Scientists.: 6. Other Backward Classes 61-63: Reservation Policy and Backward Castes; The Depressed Classes: Vis-a-vis Backward Castes.: 6 Lakshadweep: 7. Government and Politics 65-70: State Figures on Police and Crimes; Administrators.: 8. Education 71-80: State Education Figures; Girls education; Midday Meals Scheme;: Preparation of Text books; Inspections of Academic Activities;: Various Awards to Teachers; National Award; Prevocational: Courses; Computer Education;Estabilshment of Degree College: in Lakshadweep; Sarvashiksha Abhyan; Lakshadweep Literacy: Mission.: 9. Transport and Communication 81-84: Figures Related to Transportation and Communication; Road;: Railways; Ports; Other Communications.: 10. Language and Literature 85-88: 11. Medical Facilities 89-94: Figures on Medical Facilities in the State; Telemedicine Facility;: National Programmes and Achievements.: 12. Industry 95-128: Figures Related to Industries in the State; Lakshadweep Khadi: Village Industries Board; Coconut Cultivation; Mushroom and: Vanilla Cultivation; Coir Sector; Industrial Policy of Lakshadweep;: Preamble; Policy Objectives; Strategy and Implementation;: Science and Technology Governance and Investments; Optimal: Utilization of Existing Infrastructure and Competence;: Strengthening of the Infrastructure for Science and Technology: in Academic Institutions; New Funding Mechanisms for Basic: Research; Human Resource Development; Technology: Development, Transfer and Diffusion; Promotion of Innovation;: Industry and Scientific R&D; Indigenous Resources and: Traditional Knowledge; Technologies for Mitigation and: Management of Natural Hazards; Generation and Management: of Intellectual Property; Public Awareness of Science and: Technology; International Science and Technology Cooperation;: Fiscal Measures; Monitoring; The New Vision; Electricity;: Renewable Energy; Activities of Electricity Department;: Organisational Set-Up; Computerisation of the Department; Ninth: Five-Year Plan; Skill Up-gradation; Energy Conservation; Waste: Heat Recovery Fresh Water plant for generating fresh water from: seawater; Constraints; Lakshadweep Building Materials: Development Board; Lakshadweep Development Corporation;: Anti Sea Erosion.: CONTENTS:- 7: 13. Finance Sector 129-132: Figures Related to Financial Sector.: 14. Natural Wealth 133-136: Figures Related to Forest; Forest Resources; Fauna and Flora.: 15. Agriculture 137-179: Figures Related to State Agriculture; Animal Husbandry; Fisheries;: Irrigation; Water Supply; Plantation and sea shore protection.;: High Value Agriculture; Product Diversification and Value: Addition; Proposed Areas Under; Krishi Vigyan Kendra: Lakshadweep; Basic Principles; Objectives of Krishi Vigyan: Kendra; Horticulture Crops; Banana; Papaya; Sweet Potato; Curry: Leaf; FLD on Sea Cucumber Culture; FLD on Fish Aggregating: Device; FLD on suitable crop rotation for salinity management;: FLD on Medicinal Plants; On Farm Testing; OFT on coconut: mite; Problems; Treatment; Management of important pests of: vegetables by Organic Pesticides; Treatment; Recharging of: Ground Water; Collaborative Projects; Other Extension Activities;: Banner programme on Extension Management; Demonstration: cum production Campaign; Training Programme on Participastory: Training Methods; Campaign on Drug and Alcohol Abuse; Land: Resource Conservation Week; Water Supply Scheme; Scientific: Development in the Fisheries Sector; Development of Deep Sea: Fishing; Development of Shore-based Infra Structural Facilities;: Human Resource Development for Fisheries.: 16. Wild Life 181-182: Flora and Fauna.: 17. Tourism 183-194: Composite Development of Eco-tourism Philosophy; Tourism: Policy—Sailent Features; Tourist Destinations; Amini; Beaches;: Kiltan; Agarri; Andrott; Bangaram; Bitra; Chetlet; Kavaratti;: Kadamat; Kalpeni; Minicoy; Pitti; Water sports; Hotels.: 18. Archaeological Sites 195-196: 19. Natural Calamities 197-198: 20. Customs, Fairs and Festivals 199-208: Customs; Child birth; Marriage; Feasts and Festivals; The Zikkar;: Village Administration; Society; Food, Dress and Property; Poll: Tax; Folklore; Boats and Boat Races.: 21. Arts and Crafts 209-214: Kolkali (Stick Dance); Parichakali (Shield dance); Attom (Dance);: 8 Lakshadweep: Ulekamut (Pole-striking); Bhandiya (Pot dance); Kattuvili (Call/: Request to wind); Oppana (Smearing of the henna); Aravana: (Hand held drum); Dikir (Mystic Dance); Lakshadweep Sahitya: Kala Academy; Future plans.: 22. Rural Development 215-222: Lakshadweep Khadi and Village Industries Board (LKVIB);: Functions of the Board; Funds; Achievements; Production/sale: of Khadi and Village Industries; Promotion of Village Industries;: District Rural Development Agency; Poverty Alleviation: Programmes of the Ministry of Rural Development; Swarn Jayanti: Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY); Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana: (JGSY); Employment Assurance Scheme (EAS); Indira Awas: Yojana (IAY); National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP);: National Old Age Pension Scheme (NOAPS); National Family: Benefit Scheme (NFBS); National Maternity Benefit Scheme: (NMBS); Balika Samridhi Yojana (BSY).: 23. Urban Development 223-226: 24. Newspapers 227: 25. Important Events (1951-2004) 229: Chronology of Events.: 26. Non-Governmental Organisations 231-232: 27. Planning Outlay 233-240: Annual Plan Outlay; i. Agriculture and Allied Activities; ii. Rural: Development; iii. Special Areas Programmes; iv. Irrigation and: Flood Control; v. Energy; vi. Industry and Minerals; vii. Transport;: viii. Communications; ix. Science,Technology and Environment;: x. General Economic Services; xi. Social Services; xii. General: Services; Tenth Plan Outlay; i. Agriculture and Allied Activities;: ii. Rural Development; iii. Special Area Programmes; iv. Irrigation: and Flood Control; v. Energy; vi. Industry and Minerals; vii.: Transport; viii. Communications; ix. Science,Technology and: Environment; x. General Economic Services; xi. Social Services: Education; xii. General Services.: CONTENTS:- 9: 3.1. Population Characteristics 2001 42: 3.2. Decadal Growth 1991 - 2001 42: 3.3. Population: (0 - 6 years): 2001 43: 3.4. Percentage of Population: (0-6) to Total Population 2001 43: 3.5. Islandwide area and Population (2001-census) 43: 3.6. Name and Area of Uninhabited Islands 43: 3.7. Decennial Growth Rate 1991-2001 44: 3.8. Sex Ratio 1901 - 2001 Census 44: 3.9. Population 2001 45: 3.10. Islandwise Scheduled Tribe Population 1991 Census 45: 3.11. Age distribution (In %) 45: 3.12. Work participation rate 46: 3.13. Per cent Main Worker engaged in 46: 3.14. Population by Workers and Non-Workers (1991 Census) 47: 3.15. Religion 47: 3.16. Language 47: 3.17. Amenities 48: 3.18. Density of Population 49: 3.19. House types 48: 3.20. Fertility rates 48: 3.21. Distribution of Religion by Sex with Percentage of Total Population: (State/district) (2001) 50: 3.22. Distribution of Disabled Persons by Type of Disabilty and Residence: (in %) (2001) 52: 3.23. Distribution of Beggars (2001) 52: 3.24. Population, India, States and Union Territory 1901-2001 53: 3.25. Decadal Variation in Population, 1901-2001 53: 4.1. SC Population Ratio w.r.t. Population (2001) 56: 5.1. Statewise Distribution of Individual Scheduled Tribes Population by: Sex and Literacy Rate (2001) 59: 5.2. ST Population Ratio w.r.t. Population (2001) 59: 5.3. Distribution of Individual Scheduled Tribes Population by Sex (State/: District) (2001) 59: 7.1. Administrators of Lakshadweep 69: 7.2. Name of State, Districts, Tehsils and Towns (2001) 70: 8.1. Island-wise Number of out of school children in the age group 5 ½ - 14 78: 8.2. Number of Literates 2001 79: 8.3. Percentage of Literates to Total population 2001 79: 8.4. Literacy rate 79: 8.5. Level of education 79: List of Tables: 10 Lakshadweep: 9.1. (Road Length in Lakshadweep (In Km.) 82: 10.1. Distribution of Language 85: 10.2. Distribution of Mother Toungue 87: 11.1. Medical facilities 90: 11.2. Medical Facilities in Lakshadweep 91: 11.3. Tahsil-wise/Block-wise Hospitals and Dispensaries 91: 11.4. Tahsil-wise/Block-wise Hospitals and Dispensaries 92: 11.5. Primary Health Centres 92: 11.6. Bed Strength of Hospitals/Primary Health Centre/CHC’s 93: 11.7. Out-Patient and In-Patient 93: 11.8. Island Wise Outpatient and In Patient 93: 11.9. Details of Assistance under National illness fund 94: 11.10. Details of persons evacuation to mainland for specialised treatment. 94: 11.11. Pulse polio details 94: 12.1. Industries in Lakshadweep 1993-94 98: 12.2. Installed Capacity and Generation 125: 12.3. Electric Consumption in Lakshadweep 125: 12.4. Power Generation 125: 12.5. State wise and employment wise Minimum wages (Wages fixed in 9: Employments) 126: 12.6. Total Population, Total Workers, Main Workers, Marginal Workers: and Non-Workers–India, States and Union Territories : 2001 126: 12.7. Total Workers (Main + Marginal) and their Categories–India, States: and Union Territories : 2001 128: 13.1. Plan Outlay and Expenditure 130: 13.2. Per Capita Plan Outlay and Expenditure 131: 15.1. Operational Holdings and Area Operated 139: 15.2 Livestock census and poultry (In Nos.) 139: 15.3. Veterinary Facilities in Lakshadweep (As on 31st March, 2002) 139: 15.4. Chicks Production in Government Hatcharies (in Nos.) 140: 15.5. Land Utilisation Statistics of Lakshadweep (in Hectares) 140: 15.6. Distribution of Seeds by Agricultural Department 140: 15.7. Coconut Harvested in Islands (in Lakh Nuts) 141: 15.8. Livestock Census and Poultry (In Nos.) 141: 15.9. Milk Production in Government Dairy Units/Farm (in Litres) 141: 15.10. Production of Milk, Eggs and Wool (Anticipated Achievements) during: 1998-99 141: 15.11. Milk Production in Private Sector (in Litres) 141: 15.12. Egg Production in Government Poultry Units/Farms(in Numbers) 142: 15.13. Fisheries in Lakshadweep 143: 15.14. Island-wise Fish Landing in tonnes 146: 15.15. Land Utilisation Statistics of Lakshadweep (In Hectors) 147: 15.16. Distribution of Seeds by Agricultural Department 147: CONTENTS:- 11: 15.17. Distribution of Seedlings by Agricultural Department 148: 15.18. Distribution of Pesticides by Agricultural Department 149: 15.19. Islandwise Labour Strength in Agricultural Department 149: 15.20. Egg Production Under Private Sector 142: 15.21. Quantity and Value of Fish Landing in Lakshadweep 150: 15.22. Coconut Harvested in Islands ( in Lakh Nuts ) 154: 15.23 Agricultural Operational Holdings in Lakshadweep 155: 15.24. Island-wise availability of fishing boats 167: 15.25. Fish Landing in '000' Tones 167: 15.26. Details of Wells,Pounds,Handpumps and Rain Water Harvesting tanks: upto 1.10.99 169: 15.27. Construction of Rain water Tank 169: 15.28. Distribution of Household by Sources of Drinking Water(2001) 170: 17.1. Tourist Accommodation Facilities in Lakshadweep in 1993-94 182: 17.2. Tourist Accommodation Facilities in Lakshadweep in 1996-97 183: 17.3. Tourist Accommodation Facilities in Lakshadweep in 1997-98 183: 17.4. Tourist Accommodation Facilities in Lakshadweep in 1998-99 183: 17.5. Tourist Accommodation Facilities in Lakshadweep in 1999-00 184: 17.6. Tourist Arrivals in Lakshadweep 184: 24.1. Publication Added in 2001 219: 27.1. Annual Plan of Lakshadweep 2002-2003 225: 27.2. Tenth Plan of Lakshadweep—2002-07 229 The Title 'Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Lakshdweep) written/authored/edited by Ed. S. C.Bhatt & Gopal K Bhargava', published in the year 2006. The ISBN 9788178353913 is assigned to the Hardcover version of this title. This book has total of pp. 232 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Kalpaz Publications. This Book is in English. The subject of this book is Anthropology / Tribal Studies / Reference / Dictionary / Encyclopaedia. Size of the book is 14.34 x 22.59 cms Vol:- Vol. 35th
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