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Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Daman & Diu) Volume Vol. 33rd [Hardcover]
Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Daman & Diu) Volume Vol. 33rd [Hardcover]

Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Daman & Diu) Volume Vol. 33rd [Hardcover]

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Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Daman & Diu) Volume Vol. 33rd [Hardcover]

Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Daman & Diu) Volume Vol. 33rd [Hardcover]


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About The Author:- The Editors S.C. Bhatt, had been a writer and journalist with long years of experience as head of important departments in the government. He headed the News Services Division of All India Radio, Publications Division, Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP) and Research and Reference Division. In the last mentioned department it was his responsibility to produce papers and writeups on matters of importance to the government and the public. Under his supervision the "INDIA—A Reference Annual" was produced, both from the Research as well as Reference division. Gopal Bhargava, a prolific writer and author of several books, was a senior official in Town and Country Planning Organization, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. First educated at Mayo College Ajmer, and a Post -graduate in Economics from Lucknow University, he is a regular contributor to leading newspapers and academic journals. So far, he has published a good number of papers and articles on various issues, concerning urban development, which is his forte. The map given on the back cover jacket is only illustrative and not true to scale. Contents:- CONTENTS:- # List of Tables 11: Preface 13: Introduction 15: 1. History 17-19: 2. Physical Aspects 21-22: Location; Area; Climate.: 3. Population 23-31: Data Relevant to Population; Demographic Details as per: Census 2001.: 4. Scheduled Caste 33-35: Need for Emancipation of Dalits.: 5. Scheduled Tribe 37-40: World of Tribal Communities; Tribal Development and Social: Scientists.: 6. Other Backward Classes 41-43: Reservation Policy and Backward Castes; The Depressed: Classes Vis-a-vis Backward Castes.: 7. Government and Politics 45-53: State Figures on Police and Crimes; Districts; Daman; Diu;: Administrative setup.: 8. Education 55-64: State Education Figures; Incentives Schemes; Adult: Education; Vocational Education; Computer Education;: Government Polytechnic; Operation Blackboard;: Management of Elementary Education; Secondary Education;: Structure of School Education; Education Technology;: 6 Daman & Diu: Vocationalisation of Secondary Education; Computer Literacy: and Studies in Schools (CLASS); Higher Education;: Governance and Management.: 9. Transport and Communication 65-72: Figures Related to Transportation and Communication;: Transport; Local Transport; Taxi Cabs; Buses; Trains;: Railways; Road; Information Technology; Enabling: Mechanism; Wherewithal for Achievements; Private Sector: Participation; Attitudinal changes and computer literacy;: Education.: 10. Language and Literature 73-78: Language; Literature.: 11. Medical Facilities 79-81: Figures on Medical Facilities in the State; Health; Blindness: Control; TB; Leprosy; Health Education.: 12. Industry 83-102: Figures Related to Industries in the State; Industrial Policy: of Daman and Diu; Fast Developing Beautiful Belt; Well: Connected by Rail, Road and Air; No Time Like the Present;: Tax Concessions; Octroi Duty; Exemption from Stamp Duty;: Tax Holiday; Haven for All- Excellent Facilities;: Communication; Labour; Transport; Education; Environment;: Health; Low Power Tariff; Your Friendly; Neighbourhood: Corporation; Activities of OIDC; Financing; Procurement and: Distribution of Raw Materials; Tourism; Fast Forward for: Quick Disposal of Applications; List of ISI Industries.: 13. Finance Sector 103-104: Figures Related to Financial Sector; Banking.: 14. Natural Wealth 105-106: Figures Related to Forest.: 15. Agriculture 107-113: Figures Related to State Agriculture; Poultry Profile;: Veterinary Institutions in Daman and Diu; Agro Vision; Agro: Industry Policy; Investment Opportunities; Biotechnology;: Large Dams.: 16. Wild Life 115-116: Gazelle (Chinkara); Bengal Fox; Rusty-Spotted Cat.: 17. Tourism 117-128: Tourist Destinations; Daman; Diu; Fort of Moti Daman; Fort: CONTENTS:- 7: of Nani Daman; Nani Daman; Damanganga Tourist Complex;: Satya Sagar Udyan; Kadaiya Lake Garden; Mirasol Water: Park; Jetty Garden, Moti Daman; Beaches; Devka Beach;: Jampore Beach; Nagoa Beach; Ghoghla Beach; Chakratirath: Beach; Gomatimata Beach; Objective of the Policy;: Definition and Eligibility; Investment Subsidy; Maintanance: and Up-keep Subsidy; Public Subsidy; Sales Tax Exemption;: Subsidy on Power Generating Set/Power; Subsidy on: Telephone Connection; Exemption from Stamp Duty; Subsidy: on the Cost of Feasibility Studies and Projects Reports;: Interest Subsidy; Support for Paying Guest Accommodation: Scheme; Exemption on Luxury Tax; Tourism Units; Hotel;: Tourist Resorts; Amusement Parks; Paying Guest: Accommodation; Role of the Government; Role of Private: Sector; Thrust Areas.: 18. Archaeological Sites 129-131: 19. Natural Calamities 133-134: Chronology of Natural Calamities Since 1980; Floods and: Heavy Rains.: 20. Customs, Fairs and Festivals 135-177: Fairs and Festivals; Akhatrij or Akshaya-Tritiya Festival;: Balev Festival; Bhadarvi Amas; Bhim Ekadashi; Dussehra: Festival; Dhuleti or Dhuli Padvo, Dolotsav; Guru Purnima: Festival; Holi or Hut Ashani; Janmashtami Festivals; Kevda: Trij Festival; Manekthari Punam Festival; Nag Panchami: Festival; Navratri Festival; Mother Cult or Shakti Puja;: Prabodhini Ekadashi Festival; Randhan Chhath Festival;: Shitla Satam Festival; Tripurari or Tripuri Purnima.: 21. Arts and Crafts 179-187: Handicrafts; Earthenware; Woodwork; Textiles; Your: Friendly Neighbourhood Corporation; Activities of OIDC.: 22. Rural Development 189-211: Schemes; Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY);: Features; Sampoorana Grameen Rozgar Yojana (SGRY);: Employment Assurance Scheme (EAS); Salient Features;: Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY); Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya: Yojana (PMGY); Integrated Rural Energy Programme: (IREP); State Institute of Rural Development (SIRD);: Objectives; Integrated Wastelands Development Project: (IWDP); Salient features; Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana: 8 Daman & Diu: (JGSY); National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP);: National Old Age Pension Scheme (NOAPS); National: Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS); DRDA Administration;: Credit-cum-Subsidy Scheme; Innovative Stream for Rural: Housing and Habitat Development; Rural Building Centres: (RBCs); National Mission for Rural Housing and Habitat;: Samagra Awaas Yojana (SAY); Land Reforms; Panchayati: Raj; Development of Wastelands and Degraded Lands; Area: Development Programmes of Department of Land Resources: (DOLR); Urban Poverty Alleviation; Valmiki-Ambedkar: Awas Yojana (VAMBAY); Public Distribution System; Food: Credit Cards; Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana; Pradhan: Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana; Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya: Yojana – Gramin Awaas; Potable Water to All Restructured: Central Rural Sanitation Programme; Empowering the: Panchayati Raj Institutions; Annapurna; Food for Work: Programme; Wastelands Development; National Social: Assistance Programme; Monitoring; CAPART – An: Autonomous Organisation.: 23. Urban Development 213-216: Power Sector.: 24. Newspapers 217-230: The Highlights of the Indian Press in 2001; General Review;: Analysis of Daily Newspapers; Analysis of Periodicals;: Language-wise Analysis; State-wise Analysis; Circulation: Pattern; Circulation Levels; Ownership; Contents;: Miscellaneous’ Publications; Foreign Mission Publications;: Detailed Analysis; Number of Newspapers; Press and Print: Media; Registrar of Newspapers for India; Press Information: Bureau; News Agencies; Press Trust of India; United News: of India; Non-Aligned News Agencies Pool; Press Council: of India.: 25. Important Events (1951-2004) 231: Chronology of Events.: 26. Non-Governmental Organisations 233-243: Major NGOs.: 27. Planning Outlay 245-252: Annual Plan Outlay; i. Agriculture & Allied Activities; ii.: Rural Development; iii. Special Areas Programmes; iv.: Irrigation & Flood Control; v. Energy; vi. Industry &: CONTENTS:- 9: Minerals; vii. Transport; viii. Communications; ix. Science,: Technology & Environment; x. General Economic Services;: xi. Social Services; xii. General Services; Tenth Plan of the: State—2002-07 i. Agriculture & Allied Activities; ii. Rural: Development; iii. Special Area Programmes; iv. Irrigation &: Flood Control; v. Energy; vi. Industry & Minerals; vii.: Transport; viii. Communications; ix. Science, Technology &: Environment; xi. Social Services Education; xii. General: Services.: 10 Daman & Diu: CONTENTS:- 11: List of Tables: 3.1. Population 2001 24: 3.2. Decadal Growth 1991 - 2001 24: 3.3. Population: (0 - 6 years) 2001 25: 3.4. (0 - 6 years) Percentage of Population: (0-6) to Total Population: 2001 25: 3.5. Number of Literates 2001 25: 3.6. Percentage of Literates to Total population 2001 25: 3.7. Age distribution (In %) 25: 3.8. Work participation rate 26: 3.9. Religion 26: 3.10. Distribution of 10,000 speakers by Languages 26: 3.11. Amenties 26: 3.12. House types 27: 3.13. Fertility rates 27: 3.14. General 28: 3.15. Population 2001 28: 3.16. Distribution of Religion by Sex with Percentage of Total Population: (State/district) (2001) 29: 3.17. Distribution of Disabled Persons by Type of Disabilty and Residence: (in %) (2001) 30: 3.18. Distribution of Beggars (2001) 30: 3.19. Population, India, States and Union Territory 1901-2001 31: 3.20. Decadal Variation in Population, 1901-2001 31: 4.1. Statewise Distribution of Individual Scheduled Caste Population by: Sex and Literacy Rate (2001) 34: 4.2. SC Population Ratio w.r.t. Population (2001) 34: 4.3. Distribution of Individual Scheduled Castes Population by Sex: (State/District) (2001) 35: 5.1. Statewise Distribution of Individual Scheduled Tribes Population by: Sex and Literacy Rate (2001) 39: 5.2. ST Population Ratio w.r.t. Population (2001) 39: 5.3. Distribution of Individual Scheduled Tribes Population by Sex: (State/District) (2001) 39: 6.1. State-wise OBC List 43: 6.2. State-wise Central List of Backward Classes Notified by Government: of India 43: 7.1. Name of State, Districts, Tehsils and Towns (2001) 52: 7.2. List of Administrative Districts (1961) 52: 7.3. List of Administrative Districts (1971) 52: 7.4. List of Administrative Districts (1981) 52: 7.6. List of Administrative Districts (1991) 53: 7.7. List of Administrative Districts (2001) 53: 8.1. Literacy 57: 8.2. Level of education 58: 10.1. Distribution of Language 74: 12 Daman & Diu: 10.2. Distribution of Mother Toungue 76: 12.1. State wise and employment wise Minimum wages Wages fixed in 71: Employments (As on 01.10.2001) 88: 12.2. Total Population, Total Workers, Main Workers, Marginal Workers: and Non-Workers–India, States and Union Territories : 2001 101: 12.3. Total Workers (Main + Marginal) and their Categories–India, States: and Union Territories : 2001 102: 15.1. Egg Production (Lakh Nos.) 108: 15.2. Distribution of Household by Sources of Drinking Water (2001) 112: 16.1. United Nations List of National Parks and Protected Areas 116: 24.1. Publication Added in 2001 217: 24.2. The Press in India in 2001: At a Glance 222: 24.3. Circulation of Newspapers 222 The Title 'Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Daman & Diu) written/authored/edited by Ed. S. C.Bhatt & Gopal K Bhargava', published in the year 2006. The ISBN 9788178353890 is assigned to the Hardcover version of this title. This book has total of pp. 252 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Kalpaz Publications. This Book is in English. The subject of this book is Anthropology / Tribal Studies / Reference / Dictionary / Encyclopaedia. Size of the book is 14.34 x 22.59 cms Vol:- Vol. 33rd
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