Business Communication
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Item Weight | 400 Grams |
ISBN | 978-8190867559 |
Author | Madhukant Jha |
Language | English |
Publisher | Gyan Books |
Pages | 322 p |
Book Type | Hardbound |
Dimensions | 25 X 15 X 5 |
Business Communication
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This book presents the intricacies of business communication as no other book in the market does. It introduces the subject in an absorbing way, is stimulating and motivates readers. This book gives the foundation for practical and effective business communication. It covers in detail-letters, brief messages, memos, e-mail, reports and oral presentations. This is a must-have book for everyone engaged in business communication. About The Author:- Madhukant Jha has served at various senior managerial positions in a variety of companies. Beginning in 2003, he came into the field of management education. He has taught in diverse settings, such as universities, management schools, and has given lectures to management professionals. Contents:- CONTENTS:- # Preface ix.: 1. Communication Strategy 1.: Driving Changes in Business Communication.: Benchmarking and.: Teamwork.: Companywide.: Team.: and Individual Perspectives.: Deciding Communication Strategy.: Company-Level Decisions.: Team-.: Level Decisions.: Individual Decisions.: Implementing Communications.: Strategy.: Developing Intraorganizational Effective Business.: Communication.: Company-Level Business Communication Trends.: E-mail.: Document Management Systems.: Developing Individual.: Business Communication Skills.: Integrated Supply Chains and.: Resource Management.: Supply-Chain Linkages in Non-manufacturing.: Environments.: Management Styles and Communication Strategies.: Effecting Change.: Summary.: 2. Management of Documentation in Electronic Era 13.: Document Life Cycles.: Training.: Security.: Summary.: 3. Writing and Editing Process 19.: Using Writing and Editing Processes.: Make the Process a Habit.: Clarify.: Your Goals.: Prewriting.: Avoiding Writer’s Block.: Key Differences.: between Editing and Drafting.: Editing.: Summary.: 4. Logic and Structure of Documents 31.: Think First.: Create an Organizational Plan.: Direct and Indirect.: Organizational Plans.: Building Strong Arguments.: Using Figures and.: Tables.: Designing Effective Tables and Figures.: Summary.: 5. Document Layout and Design 39.: Layout and Design During the Prewriting Step.: Templates and Style.: Sheets.: Using Style Sheets from Word Processing and Presentation.: Programs.: Layout and Design During the Drafting and Editing Steps.: Applying Layout and Design Concepts in Sample Documents.: Clear.: Sections.: Subject Lines.: Tables.: and Heads.: Layout and Design.: Concepts with Other Documents.: Using Layout and Design Ideas.: with Resumes.: Summary.: vi Business Communication.: 6. Successfully Using E-mail 47.: Lack of Common Standards and Expectations.: Maximizing E-mail.: Communication.: Subject Lines.: Weak Structure or Organization.: Too.: Much Information.: Sloppy Work.: Visual Cues.: Creating a Fancy.: Document.: Emoticons.: Wrong Email Address.: Forwarding E-mail.: and Copying the World.: Nonstandard for Johnng Features.: Security.: Concerns.: Document Life Cycle of E-mail.: Summary.: 7. Memos 55.: Qualities of a Good Memo.: Creating Good Memos.: Distinction.: between Memos and E-Mail.: Sample Memos.: Summary.: 8. Business Letters 59.: Content of Business Letters.: Valuable Letter-Writing Resources.: Organization.: Tone and Phrasing.: Negative Phrasing.: Other Phrasing.: Concerns.: Eight Cover Letter Mistakes.: Summary.: 9. Reports and Executive Summaries 65.: Using Writing and Editing Process with Reports.: Step 1: Prewriting.: Step 2: Research and Drafting.: Steps 3: Editing.: Step 4: Postwriting.: Structuring Reports to Get Read.: Problems and Pitfalls.: Integrating.: Tables and Figures.: Developing Argument.: Using Executive.: Summaries and Keeping Reports Short.: Constituents of a Useful.: Executive Summary.: Summary.: 10. Requests for Proposals 75.: The Relationship between Proposals and RFPs.: A Focus on Proposals.: Formal Versus Informal Proposals.: Simple or Complex Documents.: To Bid or Not to Bid?.: Caveats for Potential Bidders.: Writing Proposals.: and RFPs.: Write and Edit with Care.: What Should you Request in.: your RFP?.: Improving the Logic and Organization of Proposals and.: RFPs.: Building Electronic Templates.: Evaluating Proposals.: Useful.: Criteria for Evaluating Proposals.: Summary.: 11. Presentations 83.: Defining Your Purpose.: Defining Your General Purpose.: Determining.: Your Specific Purpose.: Defining Your Desired Results.: Summary.: 12. Knowing Your Audience 89.: Audience.: What Does the Audience Know about Me?.: What Does.: My Audience Know about the Topic?.: Audience Opinions on the.: Topic.: Audience Motivation.: Audience Knowledge Needs.: Audience.: Response.: Summary.: CONTENTS:- vii.: 13. Support Materials for Presentations 95.: Quantity of Supporting Material.: Types of Supporting Materials.: Statistics.: Definitions.: Examples.: Contrasts and Comparisons.: Testimony and Quotes.: Guidelines for Using Supporting Materials.: Summary.: 14. Organizing Ideas 101.: Introductions.: Creating the Thesis Statement.: Developing the Body.: Organizing Ideas.: Outlining with Software.: Transitions.: Summary.: 15. Planning Visual Support 111.: Reasons for Using Visual Aids.: Types of Visual Aids.: Presentations.: Magazine.: A Good Visual Aid is Visible.: A Good Visual Aid is Errorless.: A Good Visual Aid is Easy to Use.: A Good Visual Aid is Attractive.: Good Visual Aids are Directly Relevant.: Guidelines for Using the.: Visual Aids.: Show your Visual Aids Only at the Right Time.: Maintain.: Maximum Eye and Voice Contact with the Audience.: Summary.: 16. Delivery Skills 121.: Types of Delivery.: Reading from a Manuscript.: Speaking from.: Memory.: Impromptu Speaking.: Speaking Extemporaneously.: Avoiding Distractions.: Using Voice Effectively.: Practice.: Getting Rid.: of those Vocal Fillers.: Using Posture and Gestures to Enhance.: Message.: Make Eye Contact.: Using Appropriate Posture.: Making.: Gestures Work.: Practicing for Presentation.: Presentation Disasters.: Summary.: 17. Handling Questions and Answers 133.: Preparing for Questions.: Taking Questions in a Business Presentation.: Listening Effectively to Questions.: Responding When you don’t Know.: the Answer.: Maintaining Control of the Q&A Session.: Ending the.: Q&A.: Summary.: 18. Speech Anxiety 137.: Why are we Afraid of Public Speaking?.: Fear of the Unknown.: A.: Bad Past Experience.: A Social Norm.: Is Speech Anxiety Really a Bad.: Thing?.: Reducing or Controlling Speech Anxiety?.: Summary.: 19. Assessing Your Presentation 143.: Did you Achieve your Purpose?.: Audience Analysis.: Delivery.: Summary.: 20. Writing and Presenting as a Team 147.: Step 1:Evaluate the Team Process.: Step 2: Evaluate Your Team.: Step 3: Evaluate Written Materials.: Summary.: viii Business Communication.: 21. Presenting As a Team 153.: Team Presentation with Written Documents.: Team Presentation.: without Written Document.: General Presentation Guidelines for a.: Team.: Guidelines for Special-Occasion Presentations.: Summary.: 22. International Business Communication 161.: Mission Statements.: Corporate Initiatives.: Working Rhythms.: Communication Styles.: Summary.: 23. Knowing Your Place 175.: Handling the Hierarchy.: Taking Responsibility.: Monitoring.: Performance.: Getting People to Play Ball.: Summary.: 24. Knowing the Limits 197.: Gifts.: Favours and Bribes.: Nepotism.: Discretion Versus Dishonesty.: Summary.: 25. Knowing the Form 217.: Greeting People.: Making Small Talk.: Playing the Conversation Game.: Choosing What to Say and How to Say it.: Trying to be Funny.: Avoiding.: Hidden Dangers.: Summary.: 26. Making Presentations 235.: Choosing the Right Style.: Finding a Concrete Context.: Speaking with.: Impact.: Summary.: 27. Making Deals 257.: Picking the Right People.: Your Team.: Their Team.: Thinking About.: Pace and Place.: Pace.: Place.: Playing the Game to Win.: Understanding.: their Beliefs.: Using the Right Language.: SOPHOP.: Keep Everything.: Conditional.: Talk About How you Feel.: Summary.: 28. Knowing Yourself 281.: Relationships.: Communication.: Time.: Truth.: The Meaning of Life.: Presentation Style.: Bibliography 299.: Index 307 The Title 'Business Communication written/authored/edited by Madhukant Jha', published in the year 2009. The ISBN 9788190867559 is assigned to the Hardcover version of this title. This book has total of pp. 322 (Pages). The publisher of this title is GenNext Publication. This Book is in English. The subject of this book is Management. Size of the book is 14.34 x 22.59 cms Vol:-
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