Advanced Dictionary Of Mathematics Formulas
Author | Rajesh Kumar Thakur |
Language | English |
Publisher | Prabhat Prakashan Pvt Ltd |
ISBN | 978-8184301328 |
Book Type | Paperback |
Item Weight | 0.293 kg |
Edition | 1 |

Advanced Dictionary Of Mathematics Formulas
Mathematics is called the queen of all subjects but it is also thought to be one of the dreadful subject. Here is a Dictionary that goes beyond a mere listing of words and definations. This unique work has more than 2000 mathematical terms, designed as a time-saving reference work for students of all classes. Hundreds of examples and how to solve the problem of a particular type in almost every branch of mathematics has been its additional beauty. This vast fund of information will also enable the general reader to understand a particular mathematical concept, or to extend his own knowledge of mathematics. The coverage of terms is broad, from elementary terms in algebra, arithmetic through calculus, basic terms in 2-D and 3-Dimension geometry, advanced calculus, differential equations to the vector algebra and matrices, statics, dynamics and LPP. To make the understanding of concept clear more than 200 mathematical diagrams have been used. Apart from that, ample examples have been given to give in depth knowledge to students.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ContentsPreface — Pgs. (v)Chapter Pages1. Algebra — Pgs. 13-49«Different Types of Number «Fundamental Theorem of Algebra «Terminating and Non-terminating Decimals «Division Algorithm «Factor and Remainder Theorem «Polynomials «Linear Equation of Two Variables «Quadratic Equation «Progression—AP, GP, HP «Permutation and Combination «Binomial Theorem «Logarithmic and Exponential Function «Inequalities «Determinants—Cramer's Rule «Matrices «Radicals.2. Arithmetic — Pgs. 50-75«Divisibility Test «HCF, LCM «Fractions «Simplification «Algebriac Identities «Square and Square Root «Cube «Percentage «Profit and Loss «Ratio and Proportion «Distance, Time and Speed «Mensuration «Interest—SI and CI «Alligation or Mixture «Annuity.3. Basic Geometry — Pgs. 76-94«Euclids' Axiom and Postulates «Important Points About Lines, Angles and Triangles «Parallel Lines «Polygons «Important Theorems on Geometry.4. Differential Calculus — Pgs. 95-112«Limit «Continuity and DifferentiabilityChapter — Pgs. Pages«Differentiation—Important Results, Function by Function, Logarithmic, Parametric, Implicit and Partial Differentiaton «Rolle's and Lagrange's Theorem «Tangents and Normal «Maxima and Minima «Increasing and Decreasing Function «Rate Measure «Application of Derivatives in Commerce.5. Integral calculus — Pgs. 113-130«Basic Formulae «Rule to Solve Integration of Specific Types «Integration by Parts «Reduction Formulae «Definite Integration «Products and Quotient of Trigonometric Function «Partial Fraction «Area «Curve Tracing.6. Differential Equation — Pgs. 133-136«Introduction «Solution of Different Differential Equations.7. Three Dimensional Geometry — Pgs. 137-150«Basic Concept About 3-D «Direction Ratios and Consines «Straight Line «Planes «Sphere.8. Co-ordinate Geometry — Pgs. 151-173«Quadrant «Sign Scheme of quadrants «Distance Formula, Section Formula and Area of Triangle «Straight Lines «Pair of Straight Line «Conic Section—Parabola, Hyperbola and Ellipse.9. Linear Programming Problem — Pgs. 174-179«Introduction «Formulations of LPP «Corner Point Method «ISO-Cost Method.10. Vector Analysis — Pgs. 180-192«Important Points About Vector «Collinearity «Coplanarity of Vectors «Scalar Product «Vector Product «Scalar Triple Product «Vector Triple Product.Chapter Pages11. Boolean Algebra — Pgs. 193-200«Introduction «Principle of Duality «Conditional and Bi-Conditional Statement «Construction of Circuit «Gates (AND/OR/NOT) «Mathematical Reasoning.12. Statics — Pgs. 201-210«Basic Points to Remember «Law of Parallelogram of Forces «Triangle Law of Forces «Law of Polygon of Forces «Lami's Theorem «l-µ Theorem «Perpendicular Triangle Forces «Resultant of Parallel Forces «Moment.13. Dynamics — Pgs. 211-215«Uniform Velocity «Angular Velocity «Triangle Law of Velocities «Parallelogram Law of Velocities «Uniform Acceleration «Vertical Motion Under Gravity «Projectile «Law of Motion.14. Statistics — Pgs. 217-237«Mean—AM, Different Methods (Short-Cut, Step-Deviation) «Weighted Mean «Median of Grouped and Ungrouped Datas «Median of continuous Distribution «Quartile «Percentile and Decile «Mode «Standard Deviation «Skewness «Moment «Kurtosis «Correlation and Regression «Index Number «Graph-Bar, Histogram, Frequency Polygon, Pie-Chart and Ogive.15. Probability — Pgs. 238-245«Important Definition and Result «Different Types of Probability Distributions—Binomial; Poisson and Normal «Baye's Theorem «Random Variable.16. Set Theory — Pgs. 246-258«Set «Kind of Sets «Algebra of Sets «Venn-Diagram «Cartesian Product of Two Sets «Function «Types of Function—One-One, Many-One, Into andChapter — Pgs. PagesOnto «Domain, Co-Domain and Range of Function «Periodic Function «Important functions and Their Graphical representation «Relation.17. trigOnometry — Pgs. 259-277«Introduction «Measurement of Angles «System of Units to Measure Angle «Measurement of Angles in Different Quadrant «Periodicity and Extreme Values «Trigonometric Result on Sum/Difference of Angles «Half-Angle Formula «Inverse Circular Function «Properties of Triangle «Hyperbolic Function.Appendix — Pgs. 278-287«Mathematical Symbols «Roman Numerals «Conversion of Unit «Log Table «Antilog Table «Area Under Normal Distribution Table.Bibliography — Pgs. 288
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