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The Brainstem Brainwaves of Atman-Brahman (The Synthesis of Science and Spirituality) Volume Vol. 2nd
The Brainstem Brainwaves of Atman-Brahman (The Synthesis of Science and Spirituality) Volume Vol. 2nd

The Brainstem Brainwaves of Atman-Brahman (The Synthesis of Science and Spirituality) Volume Vol. 2nd

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The Brainstem Brainwaves of Atman-Brahman (The Synthesis of Science and Spirituality) Volume Vol. 2nd

The Brainstem Brainwaves of Atman-Brahman (The Synthesis of Science and Spirituality) Volume Vol. 2nd


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ABOUT THE BOOK:- The Divine Light (Pure Consciousness) is central to Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam/Sufism, Platonism/Neoplatonism, Gnosticism and Hermeticism. It is the Universal Spirit within us. With masses of evidence drawn from scholarly sources, this book demonstrates how the archetypal spiritual experiences underlying religious myths are explained scientifically based on the true scientific explanation of The Light and of enlightenment. This overwhelming evidence provides the 'Authority of Evidence' which, combined with rigorous argument, allows the author to repudiate famous Western thinkers including Nobel laureate scientists in regard to Consciousness and Spirituality. Dominant Western academic myths denying the possibility of unmediated, mystical knowledge of the Transcendental Realm underlying natural phenomena are undermined along with the West's false pretensions to Universality. In so doing the author exposes the Institutional Racism of Western Academia which peddles Eurocentric and White Supremacist myths about 'Ancient Greeks' and the History of Science and refuses to take seriously non- European metaphysics. In establishing the One True Ontology, not only does this book truly integrate Science and Spirituality, Eastern and Western philosophies etc., but it also demonstrates that 21st Century Science actually resembles Ancient Indian metaphysics rather than the invalid, Anthropocentric myths of 'Ancient Greek' and Modern Western philosophers. About The Author:- Sutapas Bhattacharya was born in India in 1964 but has lived in London since 1967. In 1986 he graduated with a First in Molecular Biology (London University) with prizes for top student in Biology. Having published a metaphysical paper arguing for Panpsychism in 1983, his real ambition was to explain Consciousness as Science could not do so. In 1994 he identified the physical correlate of the Divine Light (a.k.a. Pure Consciousness, Atman, Godhead etc.) with the brainwaves of the Reticular Activating System. This epochmaking discovery undermines both the Physicalist-Materialist ontology of Science as well as all Theistic religions. It also resolves definitively the central problems of Eastern and Western philosophy; i.e. the real meaning of Mystical Union and the Ontological Status of Consciousness. His 1999 book showed how the physical phenomena of Science as well as Consciousness and mystical phenomena, inexplicable to Physicalist science, can be integrated by grounding Science in a truly universal metaphysics based on Universal Consciousness and its energetic vibrations. It received remarkable plaudits from scholars familiar with Science - Mysticism interrelations (see quotes at end of Vol. 2). Contents:- Preface Acknowledgements Part One THE LIGHT OF TRUTH 1. The Mysteries of Existence and Creation • Hubris, Hyperbole and Humbug in Ontological Phantasies of Physics • The True Temple of the Spirit and Human Access to Metaphysical Reality beyond Sensory Appearances • The Secrecy of Ancient Mystery Traditions and the Problematic Notion of Ineffability • Reductionist science, EM fields, Consciousness and Transcending Material Nature through ‘Unhumanisation’ 2. The Great Secret of Existence • The Taj Mahal’s Marble, the EU Anthem and the Great Seal of the USA • The Vedic Culture of India’s First Civilisation and the Mystical Commona lity Beneath the Clash of Mohammedan and Hindu Traditions in India • The Mystical Inspiration and Message of the EU Anthem • The True Holy Grail, the All-Seeing Eye and the Mythological Objectification of Mystical Glory • Nature Mysticism, Transcendental Cosmic Consciousness, the Plenum/Void and Creative Manifestation • That Thou Art: The Nondualist Doctrine of Atman-Brahman 3. The True ‘Light of Truth’: The Link between Spiritual and Material Realms • Western Rationalist Distortions and Constructivist Denials of True Enlightenment • Physics-appeasement in Western Academic Philosophy • Divine Light in Popular Culture, Conscience and the True Resurrection VOLUME 1 41 113 11 31 71 6 The Brainstem Brainwaves of Atman-Brahman 4. Modern Physicist’s Understanding of Mysticism and the Transcendental • Philosopher-Physicists: Contemplative ‘Big Fish’ of New Physics • Ernst Mach: Buddhistic Godfather of the New Physics and the even newer “Machian physics” • Parallels for Atman, Brahman and Tantra in writings of “Acharya” Arthur Eddington • The Fifth Element, Photons, Matter Waves and Einstein’s Confused ‘Cosmic Religious Feeling’ • David Bohm: Taking Physics into the Transcendental and Holy • Heisenberg’s Hindu Influences and Epistemological Uncertainties in Approaching the One • Erwin Schrödinger: Quantum wave Mechanics Reflects the unity and Continuity of Advaita Vedanta • Wolfgang Pauli’s Bombay Dream of Dance: Atoms, Archetypes and Shiva’s Dance • Culture-bound Cavemen: Contemptuous Dismissal of Mysticism by Metaphysical Minnows of Modern Science • Hyped-up Hawking’s Hubristic Hogwash and Hostility to Mysticism • Christian ‘Demons’, Hidden human Potentialities, Psychical Phenomena and Quantum Potentialities • Sexing Up Physics and Suppression of Psychical Phenomena by Western Media 5. Metaphysical Roots of Cognitive Science and its Confounded Neo Darwinist Misconceptions of Consciousness • Metaphysical Foundations of Cognitive Science • Physicalist Science is Inherently Behaviorist, Precluding Sentience and Hence Wrong • Behaviorist Roots of Functionalism • Connectionism and Embodied-Enactive Models • Crude Cognitive Conceptions of Consciousness Concocted by Nobel Laureates • Sperry’s Tacit Dualist ‘Emergent Mentalism’ • Changeaux’s ‘Neuronal Man’ • Crick’s Crude Behaviourism • Edelman’s Evasive, Evolutionary Emergent Materialism • Can Natural Selection Create Consciousness: Nicholas Humphrey’s Darwinian Fables • Metzinger’s Misrepresentation of Subjective Experience as World-Modelling and the Book of Daniel • Metzinger’s Representational Analysis of the Subject-object ‘Perspective’ • Metzinger’s ‘Semantic Transparency’ of the Self-model and Ontological Subterfuge through Semantic Sophistry 135 183 CONTENTS:- 7 • The Book of Daniel: ‘High Priest’ of Cognitivist Sect sticks Steadfastly to his Scientism Faith • A Look at some other Cognitive Conceptual Confabulations of Normal and Mystical Consciousness • Wolf Singer: Awareness as an organisational rather than ontological question • Cognitive Caricatures of the Mystical (Divine) Light • Persinger’s Philosophically Puerile Purview on the Neuropsychology of Religious Experience 6. New Age Misunderstandings of the Science-Mysticism Interrelationship • Gopi Krishna, Fritjof Capra, M-L.von Franz and Richard Jones on Science and Mysticism • The ‘Evolution of Consciousness’ Myth: Separating Grain from Chaff • Emergentist Caricatures of Eastern Mysticism by Capra and Buddhophiles • Richard Jones’ Scholarly Superficialities of Spacetime, Spiritual Substance and Scientific Structures • Von Franz on the Hindu God-image of Modern Physics • False Arguments against Science-Mysticism Integration from Ken Wilber • Wilber’s Epicyclic Model-making and False View of Enlightenment as Evolution • Wilber’s Misconceptions Regarding Planes and the Synthesis of Science and Mysticism • Independence of Nonlocality and My Correlate of Pure Consciousness from Particular Paradigms • Two Views of ‘Brainwaves’ and Bohm’s Unanswered Question to Krishnamurti 7. Vedic Knowledge of Spiritual Light Distorted in Diffusion across Eurasia • The Divine Light in the Rig Veda and the Upanisads • Doniger’s Freudian mistranslations and the true mystical meaning of Rig Veda • The Perennial Fountainhead of Truth or the Godhead • Max Muller’s Christian, Colonialist Caricature of Vedic Aryans as Northern Nomadic Invaders • Central Rig Vedic theme of Atman-Brahman Conceptualised in Upanishads • The Vedic Roots of the Buddhist Heterodoxy and the Mahayanists’ Tacit Return to the Atman and Brahman in Tibetan Buddhism • The Popular Images of Hinduism and Buddhism in the West • The Lack of Light and Clarity in Buddhism • How the Spiritual Light from India Conquered Eastern Asia 235 265 8 The Brainstem Brainwaves of Atman-Brahman 309 VOLUME 2 347 • The Western Myth that Chinese Ideas will Increasingly Dominate the Globe in the 21st Century • The Nonviolent Conquest of China, Tibet and South-East Asia by Indian Spiritual Culture • Ex Orient Lux: The Influence of Indian Philosophies in the Ancient Mediterranean • The Divine Light in Plato, ‘Pimander’ and Plotinus • The Divine Light in Christianity and other Middle Eastern traditions 8. Superficial Insights of Western Phenomenology and Jungian Psychology versus True Depth in Two Scientific Seers • Clouding the Light: James, Husserl, Heidegger and Jung • Two True Scientific “Seers”: The Light as Seen by Merrell- Wolff and Michael Whiteman Part Two THE ONE TRUE ONTOLOGY 9. Advaita Vedanta as the Universal Spirituality and Sanatana Dharma as the True Ontology • Universalisation of Sanatana Dharma by Ramakrishna as ‘Unity of Faiths’ • Projection of Deities onto the Light of Godhead • Ramakrishna’s Doctrine of the Unity of Faiths as Universalisation of Traditional Hindu Inclusivism • Doniger’s Freudian Disciples Project Personal Sexual Hangups onto Hindu ‘Other’ • Kripal Projects Catholic Paedophilia onto Ramakrishna and Presents Vedantic Yoga as Vows • American Academics divert Attention from Exposés by Demonising Hindus as Psychopathological ‘Terrorists’ etc. • Debunking the Fraudulent ‘Psychoanalysis’ of Sigmund Freud and the ‘Postmodern’ Charlatans of France • Ramakrishna’s Unity of Faiths becomes Huxley’s Perennial Philosophy • Western Theists’ Public and Secret Fears of Indian Spiritual Hegemony and the Coming New Age • The True Underlying Ontology or the Sanatana Dharma (Eternal Truth) • Perennial Phenomenology and Arrogant Western Academia’s Ethnocentric Epistemological Evasion of the Ontological Primacy of Consciousness • Beyond the Limits of Scientific Constructs: Looking Far out into our Minds CONTENTS:- 9 10. The New Transcendental Physics and the Scientific and Ontological Superiority of Indian Metaphysics over Greek and Western • The Unacknowledged Role of India in the Rise of Modern Science • How Hindisat laid the Foundations of the Scientific and Financial Revolutions in Europe • Hindu Origins of Infinitesimal Calculus, Trigonometry, Modern Algebra and Analysis • The Sanskrit-inspired European Renaissance Leading to the New Physics and the New Age • Ontological Superiority of Indian Transcendental Process Metaphysics and Mathematics over Greek Geometric Idealism and Platonism Part Three MY PATH TO THE LIGHT 11. My 1980s Panpsychist Theory of Consciousness • The Background to My 1983 Paper on Consciousness • My Secular Western Upbringing and Indian Self-hatred • My Teenage Encounters with Metaphysics and Mysticism • The Events of July 1st to July 12th 1983 • My 1983 Paper on Consciousness: Structural Subjectivity • The ‘Inherent Behaviorism’ of Physicalism Precludes Awareness • My Panpsychist, Structuralist Solution to the ‘Ontological Problem of Consciousness’ • Human ‘Mindlike’ Consciousness and ‘Meaningful Experience’ • The Response to My 1983 Paper on Consciousness • Facing up to Real life Problems and the Reality of India • My Search for a Career and My 1987 Paper on Consciousness 12. Driven on by My Deeper Self: To Despair or to Destiny? • My Encounter with Indian Philosophy • Moksa and Near-Death Experiences: An Intuitive Leap • Learning the Meaning of Spirit • The Deeper Self, Destiny, Animal Magnetism and My Changing Evaluation of Eastern Values • Learning from Jung and Synchronicities 393 437 483 10 The Brainstem Brainwaves of Atman-Brahman 13. The Breakthrough to the Light • Learning the Significance of the Light • Divine Light, Nothingness and Saccidananda • Scientific Hostility to Mysticism and Perplexity over the Light • The Puzzle of Coherent Alpha Rhythm • The Ego Complex in Zen Meditation: Phenomenological Evidence Supporting My Theory • The Light as Experienced in the Slow, Mainstream Yogic Paths • Eureka • My ‘Re-Awakening’ or ‘Conversion’ Transformation Notes to Chapters Appendix Index Some Comments about The Oneness/Otherness Mystery 541 591 595 631 509 The Title 'The Brainstem Brainwaves of Atman-Brahman (The Synthesis of Science and Spirituality) written/authored/edited by Sutapas Bhattacharya', published in the year 2015. The ISBN 9788121212830 is assigned to the Hardcover version of this title. This book has total of pp. 292 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Gyan Publishing House. This Book is in English. The subject of this book is Religion. Size of the book is 14.34 x 22.59 cms Vol:- Vol. 2nd
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