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M.K. Gandhi an Autobiography
M.K. Gandhi an Autobiography

M.K. Gandhi an Autobiography

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M.K. Gandhi an Autobiography

M.K. Gandhi an Autobiography


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M.K. Gandhi: An Autobiography is the story of Gandhiji's, covering his life from early childhood through to 1920. It gives an authentic account of the personal life of a man who led millions into independence. Gandhiji wrote in his autobiography that the three most important modern influences in his life were Leo Tolstoy's The Kingdom of God Is Within You, John Ruskin's Unto This Last and the poet Shrimad Rajchandra. In the last chapter, he notes that his life from this point onward became so public that there was hardly anything about it that people did not know.Being a proponent of Ahimsa or nonviolence, Gandhi diligently stuck to a set of practices from early on in life. The book gives us a better understanding of the habits that Gandhi rigorously inculcated into his daily routine. His childhood, his journey to England, his life in South Africa and the non-cooperation movement in India are all discussed at length in this mind-opening book.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Contents 1. Birth and Parentage—1385. A Warning—3072. Childhood—1686. A Tussle with Power—3103. Child Marriage—1987. A Sacred Recollection and Penance—3134. Playing the Husband—2388. Intimate European Contacts—3165. At the High School—2689. European Contacts (Contd.)—3196. A Tragedy—3190. 'Indian Opinion'—3227. A Tragedy (Contd.)—3591. Coolie Locations or Ghettos?—3258. Stealing and Atonement—3992. The Black Plague - I—3289. My Father's Death and my Double Shame—4293. The Black Plague – II—33110. Glimpses of Religion—4594. Location in Flames—33411. Preparation For England—4995. The Magic Spell of a Book—33712. Outcaste—5496. The Phoenix Settlement—34013. In London at Last—5797. The First Night—34314. My Choice—6198. Polak Takes the Plunge—34615. Playing the English Gentleman—6599. Whom God Protects—34916. Changes—69100. A Peep into the Household—35317. Experiments in Dietetics—73101. The Zulu 'Rebellion'—35618. Shyness my Shield—77102. Heart Searchings—35919. The Canker of Untruth—81103. The Birth o Satyagraha—36220. Acquaintance with Religions—85104. More Experiments In Dietetics—36421. Nirbal Ke Bal Ram—88105. Kasturbai's Courage—36722. Narayan Hemchandra—91106. Domestic Satyagraha—37123. The Great Exhibition—95107. Towards Self-Restraint—37424. 'Called'-But Then?—97108. Fasting—37725. My Helplessness—100109. As Schoolmaster—38026. Raychandbhai—103110. Literary Training—38327. How I Began Life—107111. Training of the Spirit—38628. The First Case—111112. Tares Among the Wheat—38929. The First Shock—115113. Fasting as Penance—39130. Preparing for South Africa—119114. To Meet Gokhale—39431. Arrival in Natal—122115. My Part in the War—39732. Some Experiences—125116. A Spiritual Dilemma—40033. On the Way to Pretoria—129117. Miniature Satyagraha—40334. More Hardships—133118. Gokhale's Charity—40835. First Day in Pretoria—138119. Treatment of Pleurisy—41136. Christian Contacts—142120. Homeward—41437. Seeking Touch with Indians—146121. Some Reminiscences of the Bar—41638. What it is to be a 'Coolie'—149122. Sharp Practice?—41939. Preparation for the Case—152123. Clients Turned Co-Workers—42140. Religious Ferment—156124. How a Client Was Saved—42341. Man Proposes, God Disposes—160125. The First Experience—42642. Settled in Natal—163126. With Gokhale in Poona—42843. Natal Indian Congress—168127. Was it a Threat?—43144. Colour Bar—172128. Shantiniketan—43545. Balasundaram—176129. Woes of Third Class Passengers—43846. The £ 3 Tax—179130. Wooing—44147. Comparative Study of Religions—183131. Kumbha Mela—44348. As a Householder—187132. Lakshman Jhula—44849. Homeward—190133. Founding of the Ashram—45250. In India—193134. On the Anvil—45451. Two Passions—197135. Abolition of Indentured Emigration—45852. The Bombay Meeting—201136. The Stain of Indigo—46253. Poona And Madras—204137. The Gentle Bihari—46554. 'Return Soon'—207138. Face to Face with Ahimsa—46955. Rumblings of the Storm—210139. Case Withdrawn—47356. The Storm—213140. Methods of Work—47657. The Test—217141. Companions—47958. The Calm after the Storm—222142. Penetrating the Villages—48259. Education of Children—225143. When a Governor is Good—48560. Spirit of Service—229144. In Touch with Labour—48761. Brahmacharya – I—232145. A Peep into the Ashram—49062. Brahm Acharya – II—236146. The Fast—49363. Simple Life—240147. The Kheda Satyagraha—49764. The Boer War—243148. 'The Onion Thief'—50065. Sanitary Reform and Famine Relief—246149. End of Kheda Satyagraha—50366. Return to India—248150. Passion for Unity—50567. In India Again—252151. Recruiting Campaign—50968. Clerk and Bearer—255152. Near Death's Door—51669. In the Congress—258153. The Rowlatt Bills and my Dilemma—52070. Lord Curzon's Darbar—261154. That Wonderful Spectacle !—52471. A Month with Gokhale – I—263155. That Memorable Week ! —I—52772. A Month with Gokhale – II—266156. That Memorable Week !—II—53373. A Month with Gokhale – III—269157. 'A Himalayan Miscalculation'—53774. In Benares—272158. 'Navajivan' and 'Young India'—54075. Settled in Bombay—277159. In the Punjab—54476. Faith on its Trial—280160. The Khilafat Against Cow Protection?—54777. To South Africa Again—283161. The Amritsar Congress—55278. 'Love's Labour's Lost'?—286162. Congress Initiation—55679. Autocrats from Asia—289163. The Birth of Khadi—55980. Pocketed the Insult—292164. Found at Last !—56281. Quickened Spirit of Sacrifice—295165. An Instructive Dialogue—56582. Result of Introspection—297166. Its Rising Tide—56883. A Sacrifice to Vegetarianism—301167. At Nagpur—57284. Experiments in Earth and Water Treatment—304168. Farewell—574

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