Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (West Bengal) Volume Vol. 29th
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Item Weight | 400 Grams |
ISBN | 978-8178353852 |
Author | Ed. S. C.Bhatt & Gopal K Bhargava |
Language | English |
Publisher | Gyan Books |
Pages | 580 p |
Book Type | Hardbound |
Dimensions | 25 X 15 X 5 |

Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (West Bengal) Volume Vol. 29th
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An encyclopaedic voluminous work gives authentic and objectives information about all the 28 states and 7Union Territories, History, Physical aspects, Population, Politics, Education, Transport and Communication, Languages and Literature, Medical Facilities, Industry, Finance Sector, Natural Wealth, Agriculture, Wild Life, Tourism, Archeological sites, Natural Calamities, Customs, Fairs and Festivals, Arts and Crafts, Rural and Urban Development, Newspapers, Important Events, NGO, Planning outlays0 in thirty-six volumes, each volume complete about a state. A benchmark. About The Author:- The Editors S.C. Bhatt, had been a writer and journalist with long years of experience as head of important departments in the government. He headed the News Services Division of All India Radio, Publications Division, Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP) and Research and Reference Division. In the last mentioned department it was his responsibility to produce papers and writeups on matters of importance to the government and the public. Under his supervision the "INDIA—A Reference Annual" was produced, both from the Research as well as Reference division. Gopal Bhargava, a prolific writer and author of several books, was a senior official in Town and Country Planning Organization, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. First educated at Mayo College Ajmer, and a Post -graduate in Economics from Lucknow University, he is a regular contributor to leading newspapers and academic journals. So far, he has published a good number of papers and articles on various issues, concerning urban development, which is his forte. The map given on the back cover jacket is only illustrative and not true to scale. Contents:- Contents: List of Tables 11: Preface 13: Introduction 15: 1. History 17-32: The Palas (750-1161 AD); The Senas (1095-1260 AD); Muslim: Rulers; The Suris and the Mughals; The Early Years; The Nawabs: of Murshidabad; The other European trading powers in Bengal;: The Beginnings of Modern Calcutta; The Battle of Plassey, the: Battle of Buxar and the Rise of Calcutta; Plunder of Bengal and: Calcutta Becomes the Seat of Political Power; Calcutta’s Growth: and the Bengal Renaissance; The First War of Independence: (1857); Calcutta Becomes the Imperial Capital; City of Palaces;: Nationalism, Birth of Indian National Congress; Partition of: Bengal, Growth of Terrorism, Birth of Muslim League, Annulment: of Partition and Shifting of Capital to Delhi; The World Wars: (1914-1918 and 1939-1945); World War II, Bengal Famine, Netaji,: INA, Gandhiji, Quit India; Independence of India; The Tragedy: of Partition; Post Independence; 1947-1971; 1971-1977 .: 2. Physical Aspects 33-37: Location; Area; Climate; Physiography; The Sunderbans; Soils;: Hills; Rivers.: 3. Population 39-66: Data Relevant to Population; Demographic Information as per: Census 2001; Characteristics of People; Structure of the Society.: 4. Scheduled Caste 67-92: Need for Emancipation of Dalits.: 6 West Bengal: 5. Scheduled Tribe 93-118: World of Tribal Communities; Tribal Development and Social: Scientists.: 6. Other Backward Classes 119-123: Reservation Policy and Backward Castes; The Depressed Classes: Vis-a-vis Backward Castes: 7. Government and Politics 125-163: State Figures on Police and Crimes; Chief Ministers and: Governors; Parliamentary Constituencies and Assembly: Constituencies of the State.: 8. Education 165-177: State Education Figures; The Education Scenario in West Bengal;: District Primary Education Programme (DPEP); Integrated: Education for the Disabled Children (IEDC); Area intensive: programme for educationally backward minorities; State: sponsored programmes; Improvement of School building;: Upgradation of schools; Inspection; Teachers' Training; Election;: Different Departments of Education; Indian Institute of Social: Welfare and Business Management; Indian Institute of: Management, Calcutta; General Education System; List of: Universities in the State.: 9. Transport and Communication 179-192: Figures Related to Transportation and Communication; Roads;: International bus Services; Railways; Airways; Ports; Information: Technology Policy of West Bengal; Preamble; IT in: Communication; E - Governance; IT Education and HRD;: Information Technology in Industry; E - Commerce; Venture: Funds; Incentives under Consideration for the IT Sector; State: Level Monitoring: 10. Language and Literature 193-211: 11. Medical Facilities 213-217: Figures on Medical Facilities in the State; The NRS Hospital;: Government Hospitals; Private Sector Hospitals; Rural Health: Development Centre (RHDC); RHDC –Jamuna project; RHDCMalda: project; NGO forum networking; RHDC - Adampur project.: 12. Industry 219-303: Figures Related to Industries in the State; Industrial Policy;: Approach of the Left Front Government; The New Economic: Policy and the Approach of the Government; Salient Features of: CONTENTS:- 7: the Policy; Policy Instruments; Strengths of West Bengal; Siting: Policy for Industries in West Bengal; Red category (Special Red: and Ordinary Red); Orange category; Green category; List of: Industries under “SPECIAL RED” Category; List of ISI Industries.: 13. Finance Sector 305-314: Figures Related to Financial Sector; West Bengal Financial: Corporation; West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation;: Schemes of Financial Assistance by Financial Institutions in West: Bengal; West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation Ltd.: (WBIDC); National Equity Fund Scheme; General Long Term Loan: Schemes; Single Window Scheme; Term Loan Scheme; General: Short Term Loan Schemes; Short Term Loan Scheme; Working: Capital Term Loan Scheme; Security for Working Capital Term: Loan; Scheme for Equipment Finance; Equipment Refinance: Scheme; Scheme for Electro-Medical Equipments; Bill Discounting: Scheme for Capital Equipments; Scheme for Small Hospitals /: Nursing Homes; Scheme for Modernisation; Eligible Institutions.: 14. Natural Wealth 315-323: Figures Related to Forest; Mineral Resources; Coal; Copper;: Tungsten; Cayanite; Cheoline; Mica; Biotite; Talc; Forest: Resources; Forests of Darjeeling Hills; Tropical Mixed Evergreen: Forests of the Foot Hills; Natural Vegetation; Mangrove: Vegetation of the Sundarbans; State Domestic Product; The: Environmental Policy Statement of the Government of West: Bengal.: 15. Agriculture 325-335: Figures Related to State Agriculture; Large Dams.: 16. Wild Life 337-356: Singhalila National Park; Sunderbans National Park; Buxa: Sanctuary; Haliday Island Wildlife Sanctuary; Jaldapara: Sanctuary; Lothian Island Wildlife Sanctuary; Mahananda: Wildlife Sanctuary; Sajnakhali Wildlife Sanctuary; Raiganj Wildlife: Sanctuary; Ballavpur Wildlife Sanctuary; Ramnabagan Wildlife: Sanctuary; Bethuadahari Wildlife Sanctuary; Bibhutibhusan: Wildlife Sanctuary; Narendrapur Wildlife Sanctuary; Gorumara: National Park; Through Tiger Terrain–Sunderbans Tiger Habitat;: Wildlife -Pug marks on the Foothills; Traveler’s Fact File; Sloth: Bear; Order Cetacea; Family Delphinidae; Irrawaddy Dolphin;: Family Platanistidae; Ganges River Dolphin; Order Perissodactyla;: Family Equidae; Asiatic Wild Ass; Indian Rhinoceros; Indian: Elephant.: 8 West Bengal: 17. Tourism 357-372: Kolkata; South Park Street Cemetery; Victoria Memorial; St. Paul’s: Cathedral; Portuguese Cathedral; Dakshineswar Kali Temple;: Paresnath Temple; St. John’s Church; Howrah Bridge; Belur Math;: Marble Palace; The University of Calcutta; Wholesale Flower: Market; Kumartuli; BBD Bagh (Dalhousie Square); Fort William;: Nakhoda Mosque; Ochterlony Monument; Nirmal Hirday (Pure: Heart); Santiniketan; Metro Railway; Academy of Fine Arts;: Science City; Birla Mandir; Burrabazar; Calcutta High Court;: Dhakuria Lake; Eden Gardens Stadium; Nalban Boating Complex;: New Market; Raj Bhawan; Saheed Minar; Salt Lake Stadium;: Vidyasagar Setu; Writers’ Building; Museums; Indian Museum;: Birla Industrial and Technological Museum; Gurusaday Museum;: Asiatic Society; Rabindrabharati Museum; Nehru Children: Museum; Ashutosh Museum of Indian Art; Eden Gardens;: Botanical Gardens; NICCO Park; Agri-Horticultural Gardens;: Zoological Garden; Others Places of Interest; Medinipur; Mellak;: Nawabhat; Tamluk; Vishnupur; Bengal Natural History Museum;: Himalayan Mountaineering Institute (HMI) and Museums;: Dhirdham Temple; Temple of Bhairab; Bakkali Beach; Digha: Beach; Sagar Island; Senchal Lake; Hotels.: 18. Archaeological Sites 373-385: 19. Natural Calamities 387-420: Chronology of Natural Calamities Since 1980; Snowfall; Cold: Wave; Heat Wave; Drought; Squalls; Gale; Dust Storm; Lightning;: Thunderstorm; Hail Storm; Floods and Heavy Rains; West: Bengal; Cyclonic Storms.: 20. Customs, Fairs and Festivals 421-438: Customs; Bengali Marriage; Adhibus; Dhadhimangal or: Churakaran; Nandimookh or Briddhashrddha; Jal soha; Gaye: Holud; Fairs and Festivals.: 21. Arts and Crafts 439-454: Dances; Chhau Dance; Tusu Parab; Jhumar; Agricultural dances;: Raibense dance; Theatre; Music; Kirtan Style; Vishnupur School: or Gharana Style; Folk Songs; Tagore Tradition; Other Composers;: Musical Instruments; Crafts; Pottery; Mangalghat; Lakshmi Ghat;: Manasa - Ghat (Bari); Tulsimancha; Dakshin Roy’s Head - ‘Bara-: Murti’; Marriage - Ritual vessels (Harhi); Putul (Dolls); Pressed -: nose Dolls; Mother - Dolls; Dolls with Hip Jars; Patua-made dolls;: Krishnanagar Pottery; Bankura Pottery; Tools; Process; Dokra: Metal Craft; The Patuas (Scroll-Painters); The Mask-Makers: (Wood-Carvers); The Bhaskaras.: CONTENTS:- 9: 22. Rural Development 455-466: Rural Sanitation Programme; Sishu Sikha Karmasuchi (SSK);: Provident Fund for Landless Agricultural Labourers; Panchayati: Raj System; Basic Concepts of Panchayati Raj; West Bengal Rural: Energy Development Corporation; Main Objectives; Provisions: of the Panchayats (Extension Scheduled Areas) Bill 1996; Salient: Features; Rural Sanitation Scheme; The concept of rural sanitary: marts; Production and delivery .: 23. Urban Development 467-488: Small scale entrepreneurship programme (SSEP); Evolution of: Kolkata Metropolitan Area; India Population Project - VIII (IPP -: VIII); Kolkata Slum Improvement Programme (KSIP); Project: Objectives; Interventions; Infrastructure; Health; Community: development; Training; Kolkata Slum Improvement Programme;: Objectives of CSIP (1C); Ganga Action Plan (GAP); GAP schemes: in KMC area; GAP schemes in HMC area; GAP schemes in Bally: municipal area; GAP schemes in Titagarh Municipality; GAP: schemes in Bhatpara Municipality; GAP schemes in: Chandannagar Municipality; Bonobithi; A Maidan Beautification: Project of KMDA; Bustee Improvement Programme (BIP); Kolkata: Urban Development Programme - III (CUDP-III) & Its Health: Parameters; Employment Generation; Small Scale Enterprises: Programme; Refugee Colony Development; Gas Distribution: Network System; Major Industries; Leather; Jute; Engineering;: Paper; Tea; Siting Policy For Industries; Red category (Special: Red & Ordinary Red); Orange Category; Green Category; Health: and Medical Facilities; Durgapur Region; The state is wellpositioned: on the key enables Required for Success; West Bengal: possesses a sizeable talent pool of good quality; Cost of: operations is significantly lower than in other metros; High quality: infrastructure available in the State; Operational issues have been: addressed by the Government; WEBEL acts as a single-window: agency for all IT investors; Investors to get both regulatory: support and fiscal incentives; Supportive regulatory framework: set up for investors.: 24. Newspapers 489-512: List of Big, Medium and Small Newspapers - 2001; Big Dailies;: Big Periodicals; Medium Dailies; Small Dailies; Small Periodicals;: Publication Added in 2001.: 25. Important Events (1951-2004) 513-534: Chronology of Events.: 10 West Bengal: 26. Non-Governmental Organisations 535-571: Major NGOs in the State.: 27. Planning Outlay 573-580: Annual Plan Outlay; i. Agriculture and Allied Activities; ii. Rural: Development; iii. Special Areas Programmes; iv. Irrigation and: Flood Control; v. Energy; vi. Industry and Minerals; vii. Transport;: viii. Communications; ix. Science,Technology and Environment;: x. General Economic Services; xi. Social Services; xii. General: Services; Tenth Plan Outlay; i. Agriculture and Allied Activities;: ii. Rural Development; iii. Special Area Programmes; iv. Irrigation: and Flood Control; v. Energy; vi. Industry and Minerals; vii.: Transport; viii. Communications; ix. Science,Technology and: Environment; x. General Economic Services; xi. Social Services;: xii. General Services.: CONTENTS:- 11: 3.1. Population Characteristics (2001) 40: 3.2. Decadal Growth 1991 - 2001 41: 3.3. Population: (0 - 6 years) (2001) 41: 3.4. Percentage of Population: (0-6) to total population (0 - 6 years) (2001) 41: 3.5. Number of Literates to Total population (2001) 41: 3.6. Percentage of Literates to Total population (2001) 41: 3.7. Age distribution (in Percentage) 42: 3.8. Work participation rate 42: 3.9. Population—Rural, Urban 2001 43: 3.10. Distribution of population by Religion (in percentage) 42: 3.11. Distribution of 10,000 speakers by Languages 42: 3.12. Amenties 44: 3.13. House Types 44: 3.14. Fertility Rates 44: 3.15. Distribution of Religion by Sex with Percentage of Total Population: (State/district) (2001) 47: 3.16. Distribution of Disabled Persons by Type of Disabilty and Residence: (in %) (2001) 62: 3.17. Distribution of Beggars (2001) 64: 3.18. Population, India, States and Union Territory 1901-2001 66: 3.19. Decadal Variation in Population, 1901-2001 66: 4.1. Statewise Distribution of Individual Scheduled Caste Population by: Sex and Literacy Rate (2001) 68: 4.2. SC Population Ratio w.r.t. Population (2001) 71: 4.3 Distribution of Individual Scheduled Castes Population by Sex (State/: District) (2001) 82: 5.1. Statewise Distribution of Individual Scheduled Tribes Population by: Sex and Literacy Rate (2001) 95: 5.2. ST Population Ratio w.r.t. Population (2001) 98: 5.3. Distribution of Individual Scheduled Tribes Population by Sex (State/: District) (2001) 109: 6.1. State-wise OBC List 121: 6.2. State-wise Central List of Backward Classes Notified by Government: of India 122: 7.1. Chief Ministers of West Bengal 129: 7.2. Governors of West Bengal 130: 7.3. Name of State, Districts, Tehsils and Towns (2001) 153: 7.4. List of Administrative Districts (1961) 161: 7.5. List of Administrative Districts (1971) 161: 7.6. List of Administrative Districts (1981) 162: 7.7. List of Administrative Districts (1991) 162: 7.8. List of Administrative Districts (2001) 163: List of Tables: 12 West Bengal: 8.1. Literacy rate 166: 8.2. Level of education 167: 10.1. Distribution of Language 2001 194: 10.2. Distribution of Mother Toungue (2001) 201: 12.1. State wise and employment wise Minimum wages (Wages fixed in 47: Employments) 241: 12.2. Total Population, Total Workers, Main Workers, Marginal Workers: and Non-Workers–India, States and Union Territories : 2001 302: 12.3. Total Workers (Main + Marginal) and their Categories–India, States: and Union Territories : 2001 303: 13.1. Banking and Financial Sector 309: 13.2. No. of Banks in Operation 310: 13.3. Total Value of Deposits 310: 13.4. Credit, Loans and Aids 311: 14.1. Net State Domestic Product of Factor Cost by Industry of Origin at: current prices (Rs. Lakhs) 320: 15.1. Area and Production and Yield of Principle Crops 327: 15.2. Production of Milk, Eggs & Wool During 1998-99 (Anticipated: Achievements) 327: 15.3. Area, Production,Yield-1997-98 328: 15.4. Agriculture implements Statistics 1992 (‘000 numbers) 329: 15.5. Live stock and Fisheries - 1992 (‘000 numbers) 329: 15.6. Milk Production 1994-95 (‘000 tonnes) 329: 15.7 Raw wool and eggs 329: 15.8. Forest Cover (Square kms) 329: 15.9. Sericulture production 330: 15.10.Distribution of Household by Sources of Drinking Water (2001) 333: 16.1. United Nations List of National Parks and Protected Areas 356: 24.1. Number of Newspapers in 2001 (Language and Periodicity-wise) 490: 24.2. Circulation of Newspapers in 2001 (Language and Periodicity-wise) 491: 27.1. Annual Plan of West Bengal 2002-2003 573: 27.2. Tenth Plan of West Bengal—2002-07 577 The Title 'Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (West Bengal) written/authored/edited by Ed. S. C.Bhatt & Gopal K Bhargava', published in the year 2006. The ISBN 9788178353852 is assigned to the Hardcover version of this title. This book has total of pp. 580 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Kalpaz Publications. This Book is in English. The subject of this book is Anthropology / Tribal Studies. Size of the book is 14.34 x 22.59 cms Vol:- Vol. 29th
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