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Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Assam) Volume Vol. 4th [Hardcover]
Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Assam) Volume Vol. 4th [Hardcover]

Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Assam) Volume Vol. 4th [Hardcover]

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Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Assam) Volume Vol. 4th [Hardcover]

Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Assam) Volume Vol. 4th [Hardcover]


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About The Author:- The Editors S.C. Bhatt, had been a writer and journalist with long years of experience as head of important departments in the government. He headed the News Services Division of All India Radio, Publications Division, Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP) and Research and Reference Division. In the last mentioned department it was his responsibility to produce papers and writeups on matters of importance to the government and the public. Under his supervision the "INDIA—A Reference Annual" was produced, both from the Research as well as Reference division. Gopal Bhargava, a prolific writer and author of several books, was a senior official in Town and Country Planning Organization, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. First educated at Mayo College Ajmer, and a Post -graduate in Economics from Lucknow University, he is a regular contributor to leading newspapers and academic journals. So far, he has published a good number of papers and articles on various issues, concerning urban development, which is his forte. The map given on the back cover jacket is only illustrative and not true to scale. Contents:- CONTENTS:- # List of Tables 11: Preface 13: Introduction 15: 1. History 17-32: Brief History of Assam after 1826; From 4th Century B.C. to the: Present; Social History of Assam; Arrival of British in Assam.: 2. Physical Aspects 33-37: Location; Area; Climate; Physiographical Specialities; Soils; Hills;: Rivers.: 3. Population 39-49: Data Relevant to Population; Characteristics of People;: Categorisation of People Based on Their Professions; Social: Structure of the Society; The Assamese; The non-Tribals;: Exquisite and exotic Tribal people.: 4. Scheduled Caste 51-63: Need for Emancipation of Dalits.: 5. Scheduled Tribe 65-77: World of Tribal Communities; Tribal Development and Social: Scientists.: 6. Other Backward Classes 79-84: Reservation Policy and Backward Castes; The Depressed Classes: Vis-a-vis Backward Castes.: 7. Government and Politics 85-112: State Figures on Police and Crimes; Development of Ethnic: 6 Assam: Movement; Chief Ministers and Governors; Parliamentary: Constituencies and Assembly Constituencies of the State.: 8. Education 115-123: State Education Figures; Sarbha Shiksha Abhijan; Figures Related: to Transportation and Communication.: 9. Transport and Communication 125-143: Transportation; Railways; Civil Aviation; Waterways; Airports;: Communication; Postal Services; Telecommunication; Information: Technology Policy of Assam; Objectives of the Policy; Salient: Features of the Policy; IT Policy for the Government: Administration; IT Policy for the Industry; Incentives for: Promotion of Investment in IT Sector; Implementing Agency;: Implementation and Monitoring of the Policy; Information: Technology Task Force; Functions of the Committee; Inter-: Departmental Information Technology Committee; Functions of: the Committee will be as follows; Industry and Trade Promotion: Bodies; Objectives and Services; Growth Centres Developed by: AIDC; Financial Assistance; Assam Financial Corporation (AFC).: 10. Language and Literature 145-166: History of the Assamese Language; Assamese: Characteristics: of the Language; Literature; Assamese Poetry.: 11. Medical Facilities 167-169: Figures on Medical Facilities in the State; Health Problems;: Tuberculosis; HIV/AIDS.: 12. Industry 171-194: Figures Related to Industries in the State; Infrastructure;: Industrial Policy Resolution, 1997; The goal of the Industrial: Policy; Approach to Industrial Development; Infrastructure;: Power; Finance; Strengthening District Industries Centres;: Category of Industries; Small, Tiny and Ancillary industries; Large: and Medium industries; Handloom and Handicraft Industries;: Rural Non-Farm Sector; Agro and Food Processing Industries;: Industrial Sickness; NRI and Foreign Direct Investment; Export;: Human Resource Development; Public Sector Policy; Women: Entrepreneur; Electronic Industry; Plastic Based Industries; Gas: Cracker and Refinery Downstream Industries; Congenial: Atmosphere for Industrial Development; Definition and Eligibility: Criteria; Period of Validity; Effective Date; Definitions; Eligibility;: Eligibility Certificate; Certificate for Employment; Implementing: Agency; Procedure for Disbursement of Incentives; Priority for: Disbursement; Interpretation; Right of the State Government;: List of ISI Industries.: CONTENTS:- 7: 13. Finance Sector 195-208: Figures Related to Financial Sector; Domestic Product; State: Income; Economic Growth; Banking Sector; Technical Assistance: by Asian Development Bank; Cost and Financing; Fiscal Reform: Group (FRG); Expenditure Management and Control Group: (EMCG); E-Governance Group (EGG).: 14. Natural Wealth 209-217: Figures Related to Forest; Mineral Wealth; Coal; Oil and Natural: Gas; Limestone; Sillimanite; Clay; Glass Sands; Iron Ore; Copper;: Felspar; Gold; Gypsum; Mining; Forest; Wildlife; Water: Resources.: 15. Agriculture 219-235: Figures Related to State Agriculture; Natural calamities; Capital: deficiency; Marketing Problems; Research and development: (R&D); Land Reform; Food Availability; Irrigation; Rice: Revolution; Food Access; Food Absorption; Thrust Areas during: the Tenth Plan Period; National Challenge Projects; Extension: Services for an Ever-green Revolution; Re-structuring of the: Extension Services; Restructuring the State Land Use Boards;: Strengthening Knowledge-intensive Agriculture; Agri-Clinics;: Agri-business Centers; Role of the Private Sector.: 16. Wild Life 237-253: Kaziranga National Park; Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary; Laokhowa: Wildlife Sanctuary; Manas Wildlife Sanctuary; Pabha or Milroy: Sanctuary; Pabha or Milroy Sanctuary; Pabitorah Wildlife: Sanctuary; Sonai Rupai Wildlife Sanctuary; Sonai Rupai Wildlife: Sanctuary; Manas National Park; Manas Tiger Reserve; Orang: National Park; Access; Garampani Wildlife Sanctuary; Barnadi: National Park; The Monkey With The Golden Touch; The: Rhinoceros - A Living Fossile; Cobra; Pygmy Hog; Museums;: Assam State Museum.: 17. Tourism 255-266: Assam Forest Museum; Commerial Museum; Assam State Zoo: and Botanical Gardens; Temples and Monuments; Temple of: Kamakhya; Navagraha Temple; Umananda Temple; Janardhan: Temple; Hayagriba Madhava Temple; Basista Ashram; Powa -: Mecca; Sualkuchi; Madan Kamdev; Other Places of Interest;: Sonitpur; Tezpur; Initiatives by State Tourism Department.: 18. Archaeological Sites 267-268: 19. Natural Calamities 269-289: Chronology of Natural Calamities Since 1980; Drought; Squalls;: 8 Assam: Gale; Lightning; Thunderstorm; Hailstorm; Floods and Heavy: Rains.: 20. Customs, Fairs and Festivals 291-307: Religion; Ahoms Marriage; Rabha Marriage; Mikirs Marriage;: Miri Marriage; Lalungs Marriage; Naming Ceremony; Death: Rituals; Fairs and Festivals; Traditional Arts; Husari and Bihunas;: Dhuliya and Bhawariya.: 21. Arts and Crafts 309-327: Classical Dance; Tribal Dances; Musical Instruments; Crafts;: Weaving; Dresses of the Different Tribes of Assam; Crafts in: Bamboo and Cane; Chalani (sieve); Kula (winnowing fan);: Khorahi (small basket); Dukula / Tukuri (Big basket); Dala (bamboo: tray); Duli (Assamese) / Tali (Bengali) - Big Basket; Doon: (Assamese) Kathi (Bengali)-Measure; Dhol (big measure); Fishing: Implements; Bamboo Mats; Umbrella handle; "Japi" or Head Gear;: Bamboo Musical Instruments; Cane Furniture; Cane Baskets;: Plaited or Woven Baskets; Wicker work; Coiled basketry; Wood: Carving; Terracotta; Jewellery; The Bana; Sitalpati; Brass and: Bell Metal products; Ivory Comb; Pottery; Wood Work; Kuhila: Koth (Fibre weaving); Painting.: 22. Rural Development 329-338: Rural Poverty in Assam; Economic Development; Rural: Development Programmes; Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana: (SGSY); Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana (JGSY); National Social: Assistance Programme (NSAP); National Old Age Pension Scheme: (NOAPS); DRDA Administration; Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY);: Credit-cum-Subsidy Scheme; Rural Housing and Habitat: Development; Rural Building Centres (RBCs); National Mission: for Rural Housing and Habitat; Samagra Awaas Yojana (SAY);: Land Reforms; Panchayati Raj; Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana: (PMGY); Development of Wastelands and Degraded Lands;: Urban Poverty Alleviation; Public Distribution System; Food: Credit Cards.: 23. Urban Developent 339-351: Economic Infrastructure; Industrial Policy of Assam; Industrial: Policy Resolution, 1997; Approach to Industrial Development;: Power; Surface Communication; Strengthening District Industries: Centres; Petroleum and Refineries; Tea Industry; Forest and Wood: Industry; Plywood Industry; Paper Industry; Match Box: Industry; Textile Industry; Jute Industry; Chemical Fertilizers;: Information Technology Policy of Assam; Objectives of the Policy;: Salient Features of the Policy.: CONTENTS:- 9: 24. Newspapers 353-357: Big Dailies; Medium Dailies; Medium Periodicals; Small Dailies;: Small Periodicals; Publication Added in 2001.: 25. Important Events (1951-2004) 359-374: Chronology of Events.: 26. Non-Governmental Organisations 375-380: Major NGOs in the State.: 27. Planning Outlay 381-387: Annual Plan Outlay; i. Agriculture and Allied Activities; ii. Rural: Development; iii. Special Areas Programmes; iv. Irrigation and: Flood Control; v. Energy; vi. Industry and Minerals; vii. Transport;: viii. Communications; ix. Science,Technology and Environment;: x. General Economic Services; xi. Social Services; xii. General: Services; Tenth Plan of the State—2002-07; i. Agriculture and: Allied Activities; ii. Rural Development; iii. Special Area: Programmes; iv. Irrigation and Flood Control; v. Energy; vi.: Industry and Minerals; vii. Transport; viii. Communications; ix.: Science,Technology and Environment; x. General Economic: Services; xi. Social Services Education; xii. General Services.: 10 Assam: CONTENTS:- 11: 3.1. Population Characteristics (2001) 40: 3.2. Decadal Growth 1991 - 2001 40: 3.3. Population: (0 - 6 years) (2001) 41: 3.4. Percentage of Population: (0-6) to Total Population (2001) 41: 3.5. Population Growth in India and Assam, 1911-1991 41: 3.6. Work Participation Rate 41: 3.7. Demography of Assam: Compared to Indian total 41: 3.8. Population—Rural, Urban (2001) 42: 3.9. Age Distribution (in Percentage) 43: 3.10. Distribution of 10,000 speakers by Languages 43: 3.11. Distribution of population by Religion (in percentage) 44: 3.12. Amenities 44: 4.1. Statewise Distribution of Individual Scheduled Caste Population by: Sex and Literacy Rate (2001) 52: 4.2. SC Population Ratio w.r.t. Population (2001) 53: 4.3. Distribution of Individual Scheduled Castes Population by Sex (State/: District) (2001) 57: 5.1. Statewise Distribution of Individual Scheduled Tribes Population by: Sex and Literacy Rate (2001) 67: 5.2. ST Population Ratio w.r.t. Population (2001) 69: 5.3. Distribution of Individual Scheduled Tribes Population by Sex (State/: District) (2001) 73: 6.1. State-wise OBC List 81: 6.2. State-wise Central List of Backward Classes Notified by Government: of India 83: 7.1. Chief Ministers of Assam 96: 7.2. Governors of Assam 97: 7.3. Name of State, Districts, Tehsils and Towns 109: 7.4. List of Administrative Districts (1961) 109: 7.5. List of Administrative Districts (1971) 110: 7.6. List of Administrative Districts (1981) 110: 7.7. List of Administrative Districts (1991) 111: 8.1. Number of Literates in 2001 117: 8.2. Percentage of Literates to Total Population 117: 8.3. Literacy by age group 117: 8.4. Level of Education 117: 8.5. Literacy of Assam: Compared to Indian total 117: 8.6. Educational Institutes 119: 9.1. Means of Transportation in Assam 126: 9.2. Roads: National Highway (data for 1998-99): 2034.24 (in km.) 126: 9.3. Railway Route (in Kilometers) 128: List of Tables: 12 Assam: 9.4. Postal Services (data for 1997-1998) 130: 9.5. Telecom Services (data for 1997-1998) 131: 10.1. Distribution of Language (2001) 150: 10.2. Distribution of Mother Toungue (2001) 157: 11.1. Medical Services (data for 1997-98) 167: 11.2. Nos. of Registered and Paramedical Personnel 168: 12.1. Major Industries in Assam 176: 12.2. Small Scale Industries Units (1998) 176: 12.3. State wise and employment wise Minimum wages (Wages fixed in 64: Employments) 189: 12.4. Total Population, Total Workers, Main Workers, Marginal Workers: and Non-Workers–India, States and Union Territories : 2001 193: 12.5. Total Workers (Main + Marginal) and their Categories–India, States: and Union Territories : 2001 194: 13.1. Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry of Origin at: Current Prices (Rs. in lakhs) 196: 13.2. Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry of Origin at: constant (1980-81) Prices (Rs. in lakh) 197: 13.3. Banks Available (data upto 31st March, 1998) 201: 14.1. Details of the Oil industry 211: 15.1. Agriculture in Assam: An Overview 221: 15.2. Tea Industry in Assam 222: 15.3. Land Usage (Percentage) 224: 15.4. Area, Production and Yield of major food crops (1995-96 to 1999-2000) 226: 15.5. Production of Milk, Eggs, Wool and Fish (1995-96 to 1999-2000) 228: 15.6. Districtwise Irrigation Details for the year: 1996-1997 228: 15.7. Distribution of Household by Sources of Drinking Water 234: 16.1. United Nations List of National Parks and Protected Areas 252: 24.1. Number of Newspapers in 2001 (Language and Periodicity-wise) 353: 24.2. Circulation of Newspapers in 2001 354: 24.3. List of Big, Medium and Small Newspapers - 2001 355: 24.4. Publication Added in 2001 357: 27.1. Annual Plan of Assam 2002-2003 381: 27.2. Tenth Plan of Assam—2002-07 384 The Title 'Land and People of Indian States & Union Territories (Assam) written/authored/edited by Ed. S. C.Bhatt & Gopal K Bhargava', published in the year 2006. The ISBN 9788178353609 is assigned to the Hardcover version of this title. This book has total of pp. 387 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Kalpaz Publications. This Book is in English. The subject of this book is Anthropology / Tribal Studies / Reference / Dictionary / Encyclopaedia. Size of the book is 14.34 x 22.59 cms Vol:- Vol. 4th
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